More than 70s to get coronavirus vaccine speeded up for those at risk

People over 70 in the UK are starting to receive coronavirus vaccines from Monday 18 January, the government has announced.

The government said people over 70 and clinically vulnerable people would start invitations as of today, expanding the program by 5.5 million people.

The UK vaccination program began with those over 80, care home residents and workers, and frontline health care workers. The government said the priority was still to vaccinate those first peers, but said the move would allow the NHS to speed up vaccination of those most at risk.

More than 3.8 million people have received their first dose of vaccine nationwide, a government statement said.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Today is an important milestone in our immunization program as we open it up to the millions more people at risk from Covid-19.

“We are now delivering the vaccine at a rate of 140 jobs per minute and I want to thank everyone involved in this national effort.

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“We have a long way to go and there will no doubt be challenges ahead – but by working together we are making great strides in our fight against this virus.”

Health and social care secretary Matt Hancock said: “Now that more than half of people over 80 have had the injection, we can start vaccinating the next most vulnerable groups. Where an area has already reached the majority of groups of 1-2, they can now begin to open the program to groups of 3-4.

“We are working day and night to ensure that everyone aged 70 and over, our health and social care staff and clinically vulnerable people, are vaccinated ahead of schedule. mid-February and our NHS heroes are making great strides in achieving this.

“This step does not mean that our focus is on care homes, healthcare workers and those aged 80 and over getting the vaccine – it will be a major priority for us in the coming weeks. reach more of these groups. ”

To contact the author of this story with feedback or news, email James Booth
