Europe, Struggling to Discover the Pandemic, Faces Bleak 2021

Covid-19 infections and deaths remain high across much of Europe as vaccination efforts move so slowly that widespread immunization is unlikely in the region before the fall, raising expectations for 2021 grim for hundreds of millions of Europeans.

With between 3,000 and 4,000 people dying from the disease every day across the European Union in recent weeks, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, governments are extending and tightening antiviral measures such as invitations, remote learning and restaurant closures.

There is also a growing fear of more infectious variants of the virus catching up before governments can increase their vaccination programs.

“At least for the next 10 weeks we will face a major challenge, which is the hardest stage of the pandemic,” Austrian health minister Rudolf Anschober said on Sunday, announcing his confirmation the situation of his country.

Germany is expected to extend its Tuesday lockout, which has been in place since November, with additional measures being added, including pressure on companies to allow the majority of cargo work from home. Slovakia allows travelers to work only with a negative coronavirus test. France has imposed a national curfew at 6pm Italians have been banned from traveling outside their home area for at least another month.
