Death of her beloved godfather: A police officer involved in the affair was arrested on suspicion of disrupting an investigation

About three weeks after the death of the late Ahuvia Sandek boy during a police chase near Kochav Hashahar, a detective involved in the affair was arrested on suspicion of disrupting an investigation.

DIP officials confirmed this morning (Sunday) in a conversation with Israel Today that three police officers involved in the chase were questioned again tonight, two of them were released and one detective was arrested on suspicion of disrupting an investigation. The detainee is suspected of disrupting an investigation.

Archive // ​​Protest demonstration in front of the national headquarters following the death of Godfather // Photo: Police spokeswoman

In response to the arrest this morning, Advocate Menashe Yado of the Honno organization, representing Godfather’s family, said:

“It should be remembered that the police officers wrote the operation reports only five hours after the incident and were questioned three days later. It’s been a long time since things have been done. In addition, there are additional question marks on some topics around the investigation that we believe are problematic. We saw that DIP officials also pointed to things as problematic and questionable.

“We expect that all the police officers will be questioned about all the complaints. So far, we are very disappointed with the manner of the investigation and the things that were published by officials in the DIP. The investigation here must be conducted differently. The State of Israel must investigate and answer the question of how Israeli police officers cut off the life of a young boy.

“The police investigation so far has been weak, and not professional. Hopefully, the police arrest is not a lip service to the public that demands answers, but the beginning of a real change of direction in the DIP.”

Adv. Itamar Ben Gvir, one of the leaders of “Jewish Power”, also referred to the arrest: “Too little and too late. “DIP had to arrest all the police officers who were in the vehicle shortly after the chase that was conducted with criminal negligence. They also allowed the police officers considerable time to disrupt the investigation and harm it.”

Godfather was killed during a chase by Shai police officers who chased the victim and his friends, who allegedly threw stones and fled the forces. Since that incident, demonstrations have taken place, especially in the Jerusalem area, where dozens of young people are arrested daily for damaging police vehicles.

Police vehicles vandalized during a demonstration in Hasmoneans // Photo: Police spokeswoman

Police vehicles vandalized during a demonstration in Hasmoneans // Photo: Police spokeswoman

In a demonstration that took place last night at the entrance to the Hasmonean settlement with the participation of dozens of people, a suspect was arrested for throwing stones and fireworks at police forces. “Following his arrest, the protesters began throwing stones at the forces, attacking the police, and inflicting extensive damage to police vehicles,” police said.

It was further stated that additional forces that arrived at the protest site arrested four suspects in assaulting police officers and causing damage. “The investigation is ongoing,” police clarified.

In a demonstration held at the same time at the entrance to Jerusalem in the area of ​​the String Bridge, dozens protested demanding the interrogation of the police officers who took part in the chase. Additional demonstrations were held throughout the country, including in the Galilee, Bat Yam, Ariel and Yad Binyamin. Several people demonstrated yesterday in front of the home in Netanya of the head of the Keren Bar Menachem DIP and carried signs with the caption “Enough of plastering.”

Last Thursday, a protest took place in Tel Aviv, during which a police officer was documented beating a demonstrator in the face and another police officer pushing him. The demonstrators began the demonstration in front of the home of Homeland Security Minister Amir Ohana – who met with Godfather’s family last week – and from there marched in the direction of the nearby Azrieli junction. The demonstrators closed the junction and a few minutes later the policemen with cavalry evacuated them.

In an interview given by the late Ahuvia’s father to the “Israel Hashavua” supplement, he referred to the violence during the demonstrations that have taken place in the last two weeks and said: “We condemn violence, and above the stages I announced it twice. Of course it was not in the media that they were trying to push the story aside. There are police officers here who have done a terrible thing, they are harming the State of Israel in the way they conduct themselves. It is a thought that it is more important to protect two policemen, at the expense of the distrust of an entire country. After all, in the end the truth will come out. They weaken their power.

“The police need the people to believe in it, and the people need the police. What has violence got to do with the demonstrations? By the way, there is an entire people here who feel shocked by this story and the media tries to say: No, it’s not a whole people, it’s only a handful, The religious are violent, instead of saying that it is an entire public that shakes them. And the boy himself is violent, and if he is violent he deserves to die. So please, read the boy’s songs a bit and see what power, what soul he had, and what he wanted to give to the people of Israel. “Not for his own sake. It’s a little higher than those people trying to paint the picture violent.”
