Big Data to model the evolution of the cosmic web


IMAGE: Reconstruction of the cosmic web (shaded areas in gray in left panel) based on the rotation of galaxies (in red in left panel) and the primordial variables (right … view more

Credit: Francisco-Shu Kitaura (IAC).

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has led an international team that has developed an algorithm called COSMIC BIRTH to study large cosmic structures. This new method of computing allows the analysis of the evolution of the structure of a dark matter from an early universe to the creation of modern galleries. This work was recently published in the journal Monthly notices from the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS).

The IAC researcher, co-author of the article and director of the Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure (LSS) organization Francisco-Shu Kitaura explains that one of the key aspects of this algorithm “involves expressing the ideas as if they had been found early in the universe, which simplifies many of the numbers “.

“Our algorithm uses sampling methods designed to deal with high-volume locations, and is the result of more than four years of development. That’s why I thank the programs. funding Ramon y Cajal and Excelencia Severo Ochoa that has allowed us to make scientific journeys that are both challenging and dangerous, ”he said.

“It is interesting to use classical mechanics techniques to reconstruct a structure of large cosmic dimensions,” says Mónica Hernández Sánchez, a doctoral student at the IAC and La Laguna University (ULL), and the first author of another related one. article, which has shown that an idea of ​​the physics of materials from 30 years ago has been useful in the current context.

It has been inspiring to study, using Big Data methods, the structures that make up the creation of galaxy records that appear at “cosmic midday”. That is the time when the Universe was lit up with stars “, notes Metin Ata, a researcher at the Kavli Institute for Earth Physics and Mathematics (IPMU), in Japan, and director of advocacy the COSMIC BIRTH algorithm to a combination of five studies of remote sensing in COSMOS (Cosmic Evolution Study) fields.

The authors have given this last work to the French astronaut Olivier Le Fèver, who took part in the study and died tragically while it was being completed.


Main article: Kitaura et al. COSMIC BIRTH: Effective Bayesian Efficiency on the Evolutionary Cosmic Web from Galaxy Surveys, MNRAS, 2021. https: // /abs /2020MNRAS.tmp.3630K /abstract

– Arxiv: https: // /pdf /1911.00284.pdf

Related Articles:

1) Hernández-Sánchez, Kitaura et al 2021:

https: // /abs /2021MNRAS.tmp..185H /abstract

2) Ata, Kitaura et al 2021:

https: // /abs /2021MNRAS.500.3194A /abstract

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