Apple scores legal gain in France over app-privacy changes

The French regulator’s decision regarding Apple is a blow to smaller companies.


Julien Mattia / Le Pictorium Agency / Zuma Press

The French competition regulator has rejected a request from advertising companies and publishers to ban Apple Inc.’s

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plan to ban the use of individuals mobile app.

In a possible blow to smaller companies hoping to block major competitors’ privacy campaigns for reasons of trust, the French regulator said Wednesday that Apple’s plan does not require apps to be licensed by consumers to to keep an eye on them “seems to be nonsensical. ”

However, the authority said it planned to conduct an in-depth investigation into whether Apple’s changes could be seen as “self-selecting” by imposing stricter rules on third-party apps. -party what he does to himself.

The companies behind the complaint, which was recorded last fall through a group of trade associations, had argued that many consumers will not agree to be found, making it more difficult for apps make money from personalized ads and hurt companies that sell the sale.

Write to Sam Schechner at [email protected]

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