Andromeda initially had concepts for ten new Aliens

When Mass effect: Andromeda released back in 2017, it didn’t catch on to some fans for a number of reasons. Not only did the game in particular go away with a number of tweaks and errors, but some felt that the game’s characters were less interesting compared to previous entries in the series. Well, according to new information that has now surfaced, Andromeda at one time it was expected to have a lot more characters, although the content was cut during development.

A new report from The Gamer stated that BioWare had at one time outlined a design for about ten new alien species within Mass effect: Andromeda. These new creatures were supposed to be native to the Andromeda galaxy and would help explore this new space much more. However, many of these monsters were cut down for a number of reasons.

One of the main reasons seemed to be a limited budget. Neil Pollner, who worked on it Mass effect: Andromeda as a writer, he said the studio could only bring in a number of those designs he had planned. “But we only got the budget for two new species, in addition to the rest,” Pollner explained. “Not to mention that we couldn’t even include all Milky Way species. And we couldn’t let you travel around the galaxy. This meant we had to develop the story around some of the limitations of some beautiful inorganic. ”

In one of the weird moments why BioWare needed to be more limited to those monsters it brought to Mass effect: Andromeda, fan cosplay was said to be coming to an end as an important factor. According to former BioWare employee Dorian Kieken, the studio had to focus on the characters that fans might later cost. “The mission in Mass Effect: Andromeda is to introduce new races that would remain in the cosplay world, and perhaps that is why more subtle concepts have been abandoned,” Kieken explained. It’s certainly a weird way for content to hit the floor of the cutting room, but since BioWare didn’t have an extensive budget to add all of these characters anyway, this certainly wasn’t the time. proof factor.

It remains to be seen moving forward how many Mass effect: Andromeda will be used in the future in the series. At the moment, BioWare is already working hard on the next chapter in the saw. And while what has been drawn out seems to be that it might serve more as a series than the original games, the events at Andromeda connect some way.

In the closer period, however, The legendary edition of Mass Effect is slated to release in just a few short months on May 14, 2021. It will be played on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, and PC.
