Zombie Apocalypse Forecast For 2021? CDC has Preparation Guidelines

What would make 2021 worse than 2020? What about a zombie apocalypse?

Some argue that Nostradamus predicted a zombie apocalypse for 2021, drawing on the following passage written by the French philosopher, apparently: “Very few young people: half – dead to give a start.Dead through in spite of it, it will make others shine, And in an elevated place bad witnesses will occur: Sad concepts will come to harm everyone , temporal reverence, the Mass to prosper. ”That’s not to say the words zombie and apocalypse. So it could be about zombies or maybe something like politicians.

It is not even entirely clear whether Nostradamus, also known as Michel de Nostredame, wrote that passage. Attempts to contact Nostradamus, as he is not on Twitter and living in the 1500s, were unsuccessful.

If you thought the US was captured unprepared for the Covid-19 pandemic, imagine what would happen if a zombie apocalypse happened. Would political leaders try to alleviate the problem, saying that being a corrupt body is not so bad or that the apocalypse was “going around the corner? ”Would people argue about how many people have been zombies, debating whether different people are really zombies or just looking a little blank? Usually, a good way to tell if a person has become a zombie is to see if he or she is trying to eat you. Would some push for a “herd defense” strategy in which the country just allows the apocalypse to happen? After all, letting everyone become a zombie can solve so many problems such as wondering what to wear each day and a possible shortage of toilet paper. there.

Well, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers Zombie Preparation guidance. For example, they recommend having an emergency kit in your house. And that doesn’t just mean a stash of avocado and tequila toast. Instead, the CDC recommends that your flat or home have the following items:

  • Rain: Shop at least one gallon per person per day. In fact, that could mean over 1000 gallons if a real zombie apocalypse occurs.
  • Food: These should be inaccessible or you can be very embarrassed when you need them. Make sure the food covers enough food groups and is as healthy as possible. After a while, eating nothing but marshmallow peeps can cause problems.
  • Remedies: These should be medications and over-the-counter medications that you may need. Note a stash of anything but Viagra may not be as helpful during a zombie apocalypse.
  • Tools and Supplies: The CDC recommends things like a handy knife, duct tape, and a battery-powered radio. A smartphone may not be as useful if the cellular network and the internet go down. Keep in mind that most battery powered radios cannot take selfies.
  • Hygiene and Hygiene: Examples include soap, towels, and household bleach, which, by the way, should not be absorbed into your body.
  • Clothing and bedding: These should include clothing that provides reasonable protection. A collection of records alone would not serve this purpose.
  • Important documents: The CDC refers to your driver’s license, passport and birth certificate. Starbuck loyalty card and Avengers membership card may not be useful during Zombie apocalypse.
  • First Aid Materials: The CDC warns that Band-aid won’t do much for a zombie bite.

Concerns about a zombie attack are not the only reasons to keep such things around. They can be useful for almost any type of emergency, such as a flood, hurricane, tornado or earthquake. The CDC also recommends setting up an emergency plan with your family. This includes identifying the types of emergencies that are possible in your area. If you can only create a zombie apocalypse and a shortage of hot dogs as abilities, think harder. Unless you live on Sesame Street with Mr. Snuffleup and his set of disasters is possible everywhere. You should also choose a meeting place to reunite your family in case you are unable to stay in your home.

The third recommendation is to identify your emergency contacts. More than just Justin Bieber should be on this list. The police, the fire department, your doctor, and a zombie hunter like Milla Jovovich are good people to be on your list.

The fourth recommendation from the CDC is to plan your evacuation route. Know where to go to get out of town fast. Remember this path. Don’t rely on Google maps to help you navigate in an emergency.

The CDC says the Zombie Preparedness website started as a tongue-in-mouth campaign. So the CDC is unlikely to say that a zombie apocalypse will happen in 2021 or anytime soon. In fact, this assumes that word-of-mouth means something like “whimsical multiplication.” A zombie apocalypse could lead to many real languages ​​in the real cheeks of many others.
