You are going to need a COVID-19 upgrade

Find the latest COVID-19 news and instructions in the Medscape Coronavirus Resource Center.

  • The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is reported to have 66% efficacy, but the information from the company is “muddled” and the data has not yet been released.

  • The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is less effective against the South African variety. The company reported 72% vaccine efficacy in the United States but only 57% in South Africa.

  • The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines may not show 95% efficacy against the South African variant either.

  • Ultimately people need to get elevated views towards the new series. But people should not wait for boosters; get the vaccine as soon as you can because some protection is better than none.

  • The B.1.1.7 strain is more likely to become more contagious in the UK to become mainstream in the United States, if vaccine distribution does not accelerate and people continue to stick to mascara. and social distance.

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