Yehuda Yitzhakov in a first message to his supporters

Three days after leaving the Big Brother house, Yehuda Yitzhakov responds for the first time and writes to his supporters: “Long and not easy days have passed for me as you all saw, so I will need a few more ‘balance days’ to reset, strengthen and return to you in the strongest and best version of Yehuda “.

“Until then, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for each and every one of you for tremendous amounts of reinforcement, of love, of support, of concern. For investing your best time and every resource you could to strengthen me, make me happy and take care of me.”

“I am slowly being exposed to all the actions and everything you have done for me, and these are the things that make me from a simple man – to a happy person. I could not ask for a stable, quality and loyal audience from you. Thank you for all this crazy array called” Lion Army “, I am proud and excited experience”.

“I promise to be heard very soon, I will answer the questions, I will share the journey I went through and I will reveal to you my truth, because it is the most important thing I have.”

As you may recall, Yitzhakov was expelled from the “Big Brother” house on the night between Wednesday and Thursday after a heated argument with another contestant in the house, Rami Vered. Israel Today has learned that the quarrel between the parties developed after Rami politely asked Yehuda and Almog to lower the tone of their conversation. Judah was less attached to the request, and a loud quarrel developed between the parties. During the quarrel, Yehuda said to Rami: “When we meet outside, I will drag your head on the road.”
This threat is considered a blatant violation of house rules, and is in addition to several others that have been warned about during the season. After consultations with network executives, the legal counsel and the ethics committee that accompanies the program, it was decided to evict the tenant from the house even without parting from the other tenants.
