WWE NXT: Pete Dunne focuses on Finn Balor, Dusty Classic kicks off

January 14 (UPI) – Pete Dunne set his sights on NXT Champion Finn Balor and started the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic competition on WWE NXT.

Balor shouted Wednesday’s impact on Kyle O’Reilly last week at New Year.


The camp gave O’Reilly credit and named him well but pointed out how he injured O’Reilly’s jaws, revenge for when Balor was out of action with a broken bridle.

Dunne then entered the Capitol Wrestling Center alongside NXT Tag Team Tournaments Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch. Dunne said the only reason he’s not an NXT Champion is because he hasn’t taken it yet when he entered the ring.

Balor was able to hold the case immediately until it was over. Dunne and his friends trapped Balor until O’Reilly went into the brooch to try to help.

Dunne, Lorcan and Burch started punching O’Reilly in the corner but they knocked out the ring when Adam Cole and Roderick Strong of O’Reilly ‘s team, Undisputed Era, came to the rescue.

Cole and Strong competed in the main event against Tyler Breeze and Fandango de Breezango as part of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. The winning team will receive a grand trophy.

O’Reilly supported Cole and Strong from the side of the ring until he was attacked by Dunne, Lorcan and Burch. Dunne prepared to kick O’Reilly in the hook until Balor intervened. Balor was subdued, however, and Dunne was able to kneel O’Reilly against him.


Cole was pulled by the outside brute but Superkick was able to land on Fandango while jumping from the turnbuckle top. Cole then arrested Fandango to lead his team to the second round of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

Johnny Gargano’s North American Championship in action against Dexter Lumis was remarkable in an untitled game.

Lumis controlled the store until he missed the Swanton Bomb. Lumis also attempted his three-time Silence interception, with Gargano’s partner Austin Theory intercepting the third attempt.

Lumis shook Theory and shook it into the ring, but Gargano surprised Lumis’ pin to win the game. Kushida then attacked Gargano and put him in a Lock Hoverboard.

Other WWE NXT seasons included Candice LeRae defeating Shotzi Blackheart; The Grizzled Veterans defeat Ever-Rise to advance in Tag Dusty Rhodes Team Class; MSK make their NXT debut and beat Jake Atlas and Isaiah ‘Swerve’ Scott to advance in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic; and Xia Li defeating Valentina Feroz.

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