Wondering what a new coronavirus strain is? A doctor explains

Just as the world began to think, with vaccines in sight, that the pandemic situation could come under control, a strain of the newly renamed virus left countries once again. The UK government has recently announced the discovery of a “new infectious strain of the virus” circulating in England. Announcing the rapid spread in London and surrounding areas, Prime Minister Boris Johnson suspended the country’s toughest lockout.

And while this information may have caused some panic in humans, Dr. Rahul Pandit, Director-Critical Care, Fortis Hospitals Mumbai, and a member of the Maharashtra COVID-19 action group, explains that all viruses, coronavirus, too, are the creator. “Some genetic changes are discontinuous. “Researchers have recorded thousands of mutations in the genetic material of the coronavirus, as it has appeared around the world. The British variant has affected how the virus locks on human cells and infects them. These mutations could allow the variable to reproduce and disperse more efficiently, ”he says.

However, questions remain: does India have to worry? Will the vaccines work? How are we going to be more cautious, and if we need to stop spreading, what should be done?

What’s the new strain?

“This variant was named ‘VUI – 202012/01’ (first study under review in December 2020). Mutation viruses are not uncommon; seasonal flu moves every year. Modifications of SARS-CoV-2 have been observed in other countries, such as Spain. This variation involves a mutation in the ‘spike’ protein. According to researchers, this virus has at least 17 variants of movement. Changes in this part of the spike protein could lead to the virus becoming more infectious and spreading more easily between humans, ”explained Dr Pandit.

How harmful is it?

“While most of the infections are harmful to the virus or have no side effects, there appeared to be a few mutations in this new version as they may affect the spread of the coronavirus. According to reports, the new variant of SARS-COV-2 could be up to 70 percent more mobile than the old variant. Of particular concern is that this stress affects people in the 30-60 year old age group who are relatively young. Preliminary data from the UK shows that the virus is spreading rapidly in parts of southern England, eliminating other mutations that have been circulating for months. But a number of questions remain unanswered: does it make people sicker? Does it mean long cures? Will the ongoing vaccinations work? ”

Has he arrived in India?

The doctor says the new strain has so far not been discovered in India, at least as far as anyone knows. The opposite, however, has already spread across the globe. “Apart from the UK, the variant has been found in Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Australia, according to the WHO. A similar but distinct variation was identified in South Africa. Now that the world knows how to look for the opposite, it may appear in more countries. ”

Do vaccines work?

Dr Pandit says that vaccines target several parts of the protein itself. “We don’t have to worry about them. We should be doing more genetic analysis. In fact, I feel that people should vaccinate themselves. While a section of people are encouraging others not to get vaccinated, I urge people not to get over this. The lobby, as it raises doubts about the vaccine, will only make vaccine developers more GMP compliant and will ensure that we get effective vaccines. ”

What additional warning should be taken?

“The best way to prevent the disease is to follow the rules – wash our hands, wear a face mask and maintain a social pace. The proposed control measures to limit the spread of the new differential are still being tested, following the existing isolation guidelines, and adhering to the restrictions, ”the doctor concludes.

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