Women’s menstrual cycles synchronize for a short time with lunar cycles

A study of long-term menstrual cycle records conducted by 22 women for up to 32 years shows that women with bicycles lasting more than 27 days from time to time are synchronized with cycles that affect light intensity. the moon and the moon’s gravity drawing. This synchrony was lost as women aged and when exposed to artificial light at night. The researchers acknowledged that in ancient times human reproductive behavior may have been parallel to the moon, but that this changed as modern lifestyles and humans evolved. increasingly exposed to artificial light at night. Although previous research suggests that women with menstrual cycles that are closer to lunar cycles may be most likely to become pregnant, the effect of lunar on human reproduction remains a controversial topic. To address this long-standing mystery, Charlotte Helfrich-Förster and colleagues examined long-term data on the onset of menstrual cycles spanning an average of 15 years, including records from 15 women aged 35 or younger. and 17 women over 35. To find any times when women’s menstrual cycles occurred in conjunction with lunar cycles, the researchers showed the data as raster blocks (graphs showing a time-based relationship) along with variations in the lunar circles. The researchers found that most women’s menstrual cycles coincided with the synodic menstruation (the time it takes for the moon to cycle through each phase) at certain times. Menstrual cycles also coincided with the tropical month (the 27.32 days it takes for the moon to pass twice through the same equinox point) 13.1% of the time in women 35 years and younger and 17.7% of the time in women older than 35, suggesting that menstruation is also influenced by movements in the lunar gravimetric forces. In addition, the researchers observed increased synchronization between lunar and menstrual cycles during long winter nights, when women experienced prolonged moonlight. Although only lunar luminescence and gravimetric circles appeared to have a weak effect on menstrual cycles alone, the findings indicate that these circles show a stronger effect together, with menstrual cycles occurring. ‘coincides with lunar rhythms when the moon is closest to Earth. (Note: This study involves one author (Ignacio Spiousas) similar to the study by Casiraghi et al., Cited in this same issue of Advances in science.)


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