With an outstretched arm and proper care – this is not the time to trample on restrictions

By this morning, almost a quarter of a million Israelis had received the first dose of the vaccine for corona. The vaccine campaign, which is successful on a global scale, makes it possible to think about the beginning of the end of the terrible plague, which causes all of humanity and Israel very severe mortality, extreme suffering and damage to historical scale in the economy, education, employment and society. Further acceleration and reinforcement of the vaccination campaign can improve the chances that we will, even if gradually and with great caution, emerge from the crisis in the foreseeable future.

Netanyahu: May emerge from the plague within a month // Photo: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Twitter page

However, there is still no soothing siren for the corona plague, and the joy must not be too early and become, God forbid, dangerous and deadly. The corona plague is still hitting the world and in Israel, and we are in a state of accelerating the third wave of the virus that is spreading in the country, with thousands of new verified people every day, hundreds of critically ill and many dead, adding to more than 3,000 coronation deaths in Israel to date.

In these data, it was only a matter of time before Israel would re-enter the closure, as will indeed happen starting today (Sunday) at 17:00. However, in this closure, as in previous closures, the extent of the outbreak of the plague is also in our hands. It is of utmost importance to follow the instructions, not to underestimate the instructions of the corona, to continue to wear masks and maintain physical distance. Adherence to corona restrictions will reduce the outbreak of the plague and reduce the number of patients severely, which continues to rise despite the vaccination campaign.

The speed with which Israel galloped to a third, renewed and dangerous eruption of the corona also stemmed from complacency in the face of the very welcome start of the immunization operation.

Thus, in fact, the very happy announcements about the administration of vaccines cause – at least temporarily, until the vaccination of the majority of the population – cognitive and explanatory damage; Many Israelis think that here, the corona is behind us, and it is possible to trample on all restrictions, kick all the instructions and remove masks. The influence of this line of thought can be seen in recent days in many places in the country.
Enforcement efforts will be stepped up // Archive photo: Eyal Margolin, Ginny
But just now, as immunization has begun and a strong, bright white light is visible at the end of the tunnel, it is time to realize that the protection from Corona is largely in our hands. We are all commanded to guard ourselves, to protect our loved ones and to obey the instructions of the third quarantine, that we all hope that there will also be the last quarantine. In the absence of adequate state enforcement, and given that it is not possible to place a police officer on every street corner, the responsibility to comply with Corona’s guidelines is first and foremost ours and ours.
Not only did vaccine complacency lead us to a third quarantine, but also a departure from the second quarantine which was partly irresponsible and contrary to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, which were cautious and measured. Similarly, the decisions of the Corona Cabinet were contrary to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, both in the exit from the second closure and in the late, hesitant and partial entry into the third closure. A hasty and arrogant exit from the third quarantine, along with complacency because of the vaccines, may lead us to failure in dealing with the third wave – precisely when the hope for the end of the plague is approaching.
