Why you should be in Zack Snyder’s corner for his ‘League of Legends’ cut

If you’re like me, you probably don’t know what to make of Zack Snyder and later, Zack Snyder Justice League, which has surpassed the internet in the last few years by -continued so strongly that it practically feels like a religion. For the most part, I’ve been frustrated.

I would like Snyder to be back when he was making films like Dawn of the Dead and 300, but his tenure at DC has been all over the place, culminating in a League of Legends saga where he had to make his career was fired in the middle of the shooting and was replaced by Joss Whedon.

But there’s one interview I recommend you read about Snyder, which was released in Vanity Fair ahead of the premiere of the Snyder League Cut of Justice on March 18th. And honestly, it’s hard to get away without rooting for man.

I’m not going to go into too much detail here, but the main events include:

– Snyder talks openly and openly about the tragic death of his teenage daughter, the life – changing event that led him to leave the Justice League in the first place, something that is incomprehensible to any parent.

– Snyder is ridiculed for overusing the song “Hallelujah” in his films and most recently the Justice League trailer, but his daughter’s favorite song was , and so he does it as a compliment to her. The Snyder Cut of the Justice League will feature a dedication to her.

– Snyder would not feed WB when asked to just release the rough pictures of League of Legends after everyone shouted for the Snyder Cut. He knew it wasn’t ready and wouldn’t give a good final result, and he didn’t want WB to say “look, we told you the original version was bad” so he pushed for the full result. achievement that we are getting now. And he has chosen not to even be paid for the Snyder Cut release until he gets full creative control of it.

– In general, in an age of hostile and abusive creators, Snyder is widely spoken of by everyone, even activists who have fought him, as an incredibly nice man who takes deep care about the cast and his team and tries to create great work environments for them. That’s why he was able to cut the entire collection of the film for Snyder’s cut, and why even actors like Ray Fisher, who claim abuse by all those involved in the Justice League from officials DC to Joss Whedon, calling Snyder a true friend. Snyder looks particularly good in comparison to Whedon, the man who took over his film, and who is accused of being a very poisonous, non-verbal director in the past, and again , recently.

– Perhaps the most obvious news in the interview was that Christopher Nolan went and saw Justice League in theaters, but would not let his friend Snyder see it, because it was clear that they had voted his original idea. after Whedon was introduced. Snyder has reportedly never seen the full theater cut.

– The only thing that bothered me a little bit about Snyder is the adoption of a fanbase I get very poisonous, but in this interview he eliminates that part of the fanbase, and instead says he’s trying to focus on the fans who are doing well, like the ones who has raised a lot of money for suicide prevention charities.

It’s a good interview, and walking away may be able to separate Snyder from all the nostalgia that surrounds the Snyder Cut and the fans dedicated to it. He looks like a really nice guy who endured unbelievable tragedy, and pushed back against corporate officials to make his version of Justice League, no matter how bizarre or horrible it might seem. (Joker… Jesus?).

I can’t imagine the Snyder Cut being worse than the original Whedon-infused one, but after this interview, I’m more than just curious to see it, I’m pretty active rooting for it to be good , and to be a happy ending to this saw after so much drama and heartbreak.

follow me on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller Series, and The Earthborn Trilogy, which is also on audiobook.
