Why are couples more likely to break up on February 14th

Ward relocated involving singles and couples from across Australia and found that 63% of men and women preferred to express their popularity.

As couples around the world prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14, an Australian dating expert has debunked the biggest myths about romance.

The relationship coach named Louanne Ward, from Perth, Western Australia, dispelled some common misconceptions and told the Australian Daily Mail, “commercial hype or the most romantic day of the year? But whatever you see Valentine ‘s Day, there’s no denying that he’s taking control of conversation every February. “

“‘For a gift or not to give a gift? How soon is it too early to celebrate? Do I go out or keep it simple? It’s harder than answer those questions when we are surrounded by traditions and myths that are enjoyed by men and women to celebrate, “she said.

Ward made a comeback involving singles and couples from all over Australia and found that 63 per cent of men and women prefer to say how much they love Valentine’s Day rather than gifts give them.

Here are some of the highlights of Ward’s study:
