Where do isolated people vote and how do they identify at the ballot box with the mask? All information to the voter

What hours can you vote for?
Most polling stations will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. In small localities, voting hours are from 8:00 to 20:00. The same is true in hospitals and prisons and detention centers.

Where do Corona patients vote?
There will be 409 polling stations for corona patients and 342 polling stations for isolates who have been exposed to a verified patient or have developed symptoms. The polling stations for Corona patients will be open from 8:00 to 19:00, and for the isolated, it will open at 7:00 in the morning and voting will end at 22:00. Corona patients in hospitals who are not confined to their bed will vote at the ballot box placed in the inpatient ward. Corona patients in their homes will vote in the “point and go” ballots designated for verified patients. Every verified patient who comes to vote will fill out a statement that he is indeed a verified patient.

How will insulators vote?
In dedicated ballots or in the “point and go” ballots for insulators only. The isolated polling stations will be in the branches of Clalit HMO and in public buildings and some in the “Point and Travel” complexes. The location of the polling stations is published on the Election Commission website.

Can a corona patient or an isolated person get to the polls on their own?
The Central Election Commission has established a national transportation system for transporting verified patients staying in their homes. To order the shuttle, call the Bon Tor service center, number 077-6017137, or through the company’s website, through which you can book the shuttle hour.
A dedicated vehicle for transporting verified patients will arrive at its address, pick up the voter and drive him to the designated polling station. The shuttle vehicle will wait until the end of the voting and will be returned to his home.

Those who are in isolation cannot reach the special polling stations by public transport and must arrive by private car. If he does not drive, he must sit in the back seat with the windows open and wear a mask.

Is it safe to go to the polls?
The Election Commission has taken a number of measures to ensure the safety and health of voters at the polls. The number of voters at each ballot box will be diluted so that there will be fewer voters at each ballot box. While waiting for the vote, prominent markings will be placed on the floor and marking tapes that will help maintain a distance of two meters between citizens. The polling stations will have ushers who will avoid congestion at the entrance and exit of the polls. In addition, a transparent partition will be placed in the polling station between the members of the polling committee and the voter. Displays and disinfectants will be placed on all ballots, and masks must also be deposited. Polling stations and desktops will be continuously disinfected.

Is a Corona patient allowed to vote in a regular ballot?
No. Voting a sick or isolated person in a “regular” ballot box is against the law. The police will conduct sample tests (using tablets) in the areas of the regular polling stations, to locate the isolation violators.

Is it obligatory to wear a mask at the polls?
Upon arrival at the polling station, the voter must remove the mask from his face for identification. As soon as he is identified by the members of the polling committee, he will put the mask back on his face and begin the voting process itself.

When will we know the election results?
The truth results are expected to be published starting Wednesday morning. If there are no mishaps, the full results, including the double envelopes, are expected to be posted on Friday afternoon, before the holiday begins. The official results will be presented to the president on March 31.
