What was 22 in ‘soul’? The Disney movie ends up being explained

Warning: This article Anam spoilers. Maybe you were directing that from the headline, but just unknowingly.

Anam, the new Pixar movie is streaming on Disney +, an ambitious film that needs a lot of world building. But if you’re willing to play along with the complex presentation (including a literal instructional video), you get a moving metaphor reward for living life to the fullest.

The basic premise is that Joe Gardner (heard by Jamie Foxx) is a middle school jazz teacher who dies just after going to a piano lifelong gig. Joe refuses to die before his great break, so he manages his way into Purgatory called The Great Before, where he is a mentor to a soul called 22 (Tina Fey) . 22 is unlike the other souls in the Great Before, which is created to be cast down to earth to become human. She doesn’t want to go down to earth, because she can’t find her “spark”, aka something she’s passionate about that will complete her Earth Pass. She has tried football, painting, pizza, chemistry, and doesn’t have enough to be a “spark.”

Are you with me so far? Good. We get into the Anam end defined.

Which marrow was 22 in. Anam?

I don’t blame you for being upset, because he has a lesson Anam presented in a slightly muddled, convoluted manner. But, if you’re Googling, “What was 22 coming in Anam? ”Then I’m sorry to tell you that you missed the whole point of the film. If you want a more advanced account of how morality is Anam I hit right in the emotions, I would direct you to this personal essay I wrote last week. But read on for the basic chest.

When 22 lives on the ground in Joe’s body, she begins to appreciate the little things in life – the wind blowing the leaves gently as she walks down the pavement on a day. autumn in New York City, or the guitar played by a busker in the subway station. She falls in love with the idea simply live, and that, my friends, is her spark.

“Looking at the skies might be my spark,” she suggests to Joe, hoping. “Or walk! I’m really good at walking! ”

“That’s not a reason, 22,” Joe replied. “That’s just a regular old life.”

Joe believes that everyone on earth is born to do one thing. He thinks his spark plays the piano. He believes that living his dream job of playing the piano professionally did not mean that his life was meaningless. But Joe is wrong. When 22 finally gets his Earth Pass, Joe asks Jerry – one of the soul counselors in the Great Before, heard by Richard Ayoade – what the reason was 22. The ethereal entity just laughs ris.

“Spark is not the cause of the soul!” Jerry says. “Oh, you support and your wishes. Your reasons, your sense of life. So basic. ”

Here is the agreement: In the world of Anam, there is no single cause that makes up “spark. Joe accepted that this was the case when he arrived at the Great Before, but he was wrong. Because when Joe finally gets his dream job playing the piano, life is just as it was before he had that job. Finally, Joe realizes that “spark” is not about one purpose – it’s about enjoying a regular old life. Joe understands that 22 was fine.

SOUL, small figures from left: 22 (voice: Tina Fey), Joe Gardner (voice: Jamie Foxx), Terry (voice: Rachel's House)
Photo: © Disney Collection + / Courtesy of Everett

What is the Anam ending, explained?

After accomplishing this, Joe begins to return Earth Pass 22. He finds it in the land of the lost souls. She’s sure she’s not good enough because she can’t find her reason. She thinks she never got her spark.

“Yes, you did,” Joe tells her calmly. “Your spark is not the cause. That last box will fill in when you’re ready to survive. ”

Joe takes 22 to Earth Pass, and accepts that this means he must die. He is okay with that, because he has realized that he was living all the time, even without his dream job. However, as this is a Pixar film, the fact that Joe is willing to accept this lesson means that he is being rewarded for a second chance in his life. He’s not yet sure what he’ll do with his life, but he knows he’ll live every minute of it.

With that, the film comes to an end. We don’t know who 22 will be at the end Anam– that’s a story for a different time. What we do know is the true meaning of the Anam concludes: You should not wait until the beginning of your life; you should live to the maximum right now. Classic Pixar.

Look Anam on Disney +
