What really happened to Ben? All theories explained

One of the biggest mysteries at Umbrella Academy is how Ben died, and there are a theory or two that explain what happened.

Umbrella Academy there are many mysteries waiting to be solved soon, among them about Mount Hargreeves and his death. With the comic books not offering an answer either, fans have come up with different theories about what happened to Ben, and here are all of them. Based on the comic book series of the same name by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, Umbrella Academy it premiered on Netflix in February 2019 and was so well received and updated for a second season a few weeks later, with the new times arriving in July 2020.

Umbrella Academy following the Hargreeves, seven adopted sisters of exceptional abilities, and born with 36 other children on the same day, at the same time, and to women who were not pregnant when the day began. After learning about this strange event, scientist and billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves began to accept as many of these babies as he could, but he only got seven. Reginald trained them and formed the “Umbrella Academy” superhero team, but because he was not a good father, the Hargreeves ended up parting ways, coming together years later to bury Reginald and stop the apocalypse. . The team began to separate after the disappearance of Five (who jumped so many years into the future that he could not return) and even more after the death of Ben, which remains the biggest mystery in the world. series.

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Spectators have met Ben and his dangerous powers through Klaus’ backs and powers, as he is the only one who can call and communicate with him. Thanks to that, the audience knows that Ben can evoke false horrors from his body, which is not an easy power to deal with both physically and mentally. Ben died many years before events took place at Umbrella Academy season 1, and while season 2 featured his funeral, there’s still a big question of how he died – and here’s all the fan theory about what really happened to Ben.

Ben Hargreeves killed himself

The most popular fan theory about what happened to Ben states that No. 6 killed himself, and there are a few details through seasons 1 and 2 of Umbrella Academy which supports the idea. The most important stone is the headstone, found at the Hargreeves mansion, which has the following inscription “May the darkness in you rest in the light”. This surprised many viewers not only the powers of Ben’s “inner darkness” but also an internal struggle, possibly linked to depression, which led to suicide. to do. Although Reginald’s speech at the funeral states that he died during a mission, the theory of suicide may work as he could have committed suicide while working with his sisters (and perhaps because of the burden of his powers and how they were used), which could be described by Reginald and the rest as the team that did not help the brother and save him.

Ben’s death was caused by one of the Hargreeves

Aidan Gallagher as Five and Justin H Min as Ben in Umbrella Academy

A theory that emerged after Umbrella Academy season 2, largely due to the aforementioned funeral scene and Reginald’s speech, is about the death of Ben as one of his sisters ’brothers. As mentioned above, Reginald was not a good father, and had difficult ways of educating and training his children – looking no further than how he would have medicated Vanya for years and how he locks Klaus in a mausoleum for hours. This idea of ​​the children was present at Ben’s funeral, where he told the team that they were not “good people” and that they left after their years of training, with Allison responding quickly it was not his fault. Reginald ‘s words have led many fans to believe that it may be the fault of one of them, and there are two suspects: Klaus and Five.

Ben appears directly to Klaus largely due to Klaus’ powers, but Ben as a ghost doesn’t look like he did when he died, which is how other ghosts appear in front of Klaus. More importantly, Ben was aged with his sisters, who made up for many questions about what happened to him. Now, some fans believe it was Klaus’ fault that Ben died, so out of remorse he brought him back immediately after the funeral, and they stood together for years. In fact, this version of the theory implies that it was an accidental death (Ben could not even sense who killed him), which is why Ben stayed with Klaus.

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The theory that includes Five, on the other hand, becomes a bit more complicated. With five people working at the Commission, some onlookers believe he could kill Ben as ordered by the Commission. This idea can be a bit misleading because it is about time travel, different timelines, and the Commission’s place in the universe, which is in monitoring and managing its ‘continuum of time-space, meaning that anything that could change the course of events could eliminate that timeline. The Commission might have known, then, that the only way to stop the 1963 apocalypse was if Ben was dead, so they sent an old Five to kill his own brother, because of the time continuum -space.

Ben is trapped in a nightmare

Ben Umbrella Academy

The Hargreeves have special abilities, some darker and more dangerous than others. Vanya and Ben are two members of Umbrella Academy with the most dangerous and hardest to control powers, as seen by Vanya triggering the apocalypse in season 1. The bank robbery scene showed that Ben was not comfortable using his powers, and with good reason, for sure it is not easy to have your stomach opens and releases monstrous adhesions. Ben’s powers, therefore, could have gotten out of control during a mission and he swallowed into that interfacial connection on his body. This would explain why he was able to age with his sisters, since he is not dead, and it would also mean that among Klaus’ undiscovered powers is the ability to communicate with other dimensions.

Ben never died

Ben 2 Umbrella Academy Ben

Another theory suggests that Ben never died and Reginald has been hiding it for years. Hargreeves’ father and adviser may have been so frightened and anxious about Ben’s powers that he decided to leave in an induced coma so he could study and his abilities. Reginald then executed Ben’s death and blamed the team for pushing them to better, while keeping Ben far away from the rest, perhaps at Hotel Oblivion. Ben, in turn, was summoned by Klaus through a new ability: astral proselytes others, which also explains why he grew up as not, just as he was in the previous theory, dead. The cause of Ben’s death is left a mystery for a reason, but hopefully, Umbrella Academy soon what will happen will appear, or at least it will give more announcements.

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