What do you do to get $ 100m from Ayalon Musk?

Shai Lev | 24/01/2021 17:54

Elon Musk.  This is definitely a very serious award (Reuters)

Elon Musk. This is definitely a very serious award (Reuters)

Remember the article from two months ago about Tesla founder Elon Musk overtaking Bill Gates in the table of the richest in the world and becoming second in the rankings? It turns out that there have been some interesting developments since then.

About two weeks ago Musk even climbed to first place in the same ranking with a personal fortune of $ 186 billion, but since then Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder) has overtaken Musk back as at the time of the last publication Bezos’ fortune stood at $ 191 billion while Musk’s dropped to $ 182 billion.

It is very doubtful whether the founder of Tesla was overly shaped by the latest news, since Bezos is 8 years older than him and has quite a bit more time in the race for the richest man in the world

But not for the sake of accumulating capital, we gathered in everything related to Ayalon Musk. At the time it was announced that he was the richest man in the world, the latter approached his followers on the networks and asked for advice on ways to donate money that would really make the difference in the ball on which we live.

Not many days passed and Musk decided to be much more specific in a media tweet on Twitter: “I propose to donate a $ 100 million prize for the best carbon capture technology.”

The tweet in question by Elon Musk (ChThe tweet in question by Elon Musk (Twitter Twitter)

While you are digesting the height of the prize it is advisable that we explain why this is important. In an ideal situation where there was no use of fuels in the world, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air could be controlled with the help of plants, which absorb this gas in the process of photosynthesis – a process that eventually releases oxygen into the air instead of the same carbon dioxide absorbed by plants.

However, as we know, we do live in a world of hundreds of millions of gasoline-powered vehicles, and carbon dioxide is flooding the environment at a dangerous rate – a rate that harms the fight against climate change, which aims to fight the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA: “Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are responsible for about two-thirds of the total energy imbalance that causes the earth’s temperature to rise.”

Earth.  Let's keep it (PIRO4D)Earth. Let’s keep it (PIRO4D)

And here we reconnect with the award proposed by Elon Musk – if humans could invent technology that could prevent carbon dioxide from dispersing in the atmosphere, it could help those efforts slow down the climate crisis.

The same tweet from Muskaf, which announced an award of $ 100 million, received a lot of attention on social media. Twitter alone has recently had 43 million followers, some claiming that quite a few are following him because of his relationship with Canadian singer Grimes, who is 17 years younger than him, or because he called Corona a “kind of cold” (call it “Corona denies” if you will) .

Many of the answers to Musk’s award proposal indicated that planting trees is already a great way to lower carbon dioxide naturally in the air (there have been quite a few amusing posts of woods and forests) and there have even been some who have indicated how willing they are to receive the award (cash or PayPal). But with respect to the sages and court jesters, we all know that Musk, naturally connected to electric-powered cars and a huge freak of technology and innovation, is as focused on revolutionary technology and less on what nature has to offer…

The writer Shai Lev previously served as the editor-in-chief of the ONE website and currently edits the motor area section of the website.

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