‘WandaVision’ ‘honored and feared’ to launch Marvel Studios Level 4

Matt Shakman, director of “WandaVision”, says the Disney Plus series launch of Level 4 of Marvel Studios is a source of pride and concern for him.

The show is the first Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) project to emerge from the hugely successful “Avengers: Endgame” in 2019.

“It ‘s an honor, and it’ s awesome. And it ‘s amazing, like everything else (right now).

“Being the first MCU building to come out of Endgame, I could never have been surprised when we first started working on this project … but it ‘s a great way to start Marvel’ s work in the world of streaming, “Shakman told SFX Magazine.

The director, whose previous credits include “Fargo” and “Game of Thrones,” said the upcoming limited edition is “a big love letter to television history”.

“(It is) a perfect way for the maker of the biggest blockbusters to come to television,” he said.

“WandaVision”, slated for debut on January 15, celebrates the return of actor Elisabeth Olsen as Scarlett Witch aka Wanda Maximoff and Paul Bettany ‘s superpower android Vision.

“Captain Marvel” and “Black Widow” writer Jac Schaeffer has written the show.

Also in the team will be actors Kathryn Hahn, Debra Jo Rupp and Fred Melamed.

Kat Dennings retells the role of Darcy Lewis, a tech-savvy supporter of scientist Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman) from the films “Thor” and Randall Park returns as Jimmy Woo, the FBI producer there the “Ant-Man and the Wasp”.

Adult actress Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau, a Marvel co-superhero who last appeared as the young girl of Lashana Lynch character fighter pilot Maria Rambeau in “Captain Marvel”.

“WandaVision” also ties in with Marvel Studios’ “Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness” movie, starring Benedict Cumberbatch.

Image credit: Instagram / @wangdavisionshow

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