UK university scientists complete nasal spray that excludes Covid-19: Report

LONDON: A nasal spray that could prevent coronavirus infection for up to two days is being prepared for mass production by scientists at the University of Birmingham in the hope that they will be available over-the-counter in pharmacies there in a few months, a UK newspaper report said Sunday.
Dr Richard Moakes, the study’s lead researcher, told The Sunday Telegraph that he was confident in the sprayer’s formula to help free society from social distance restrictions and “get schools going again”. .
The nasal spray, which has not yet been named, is made from ingredients that have already been approved for medical use, meaning it is safe for human use and does not require further approval.
The formula helps prevent infection by trapping the virus in the nose and trapping it in a cover that cannot escape it. As a result, it would be safe for a person to breathe out – even if inhaled by another person – as the virus would be inactive and harmless, the newspaper said. reciting.
“As a result of over-the-shelf, we have spoken to companies with a high street presence because we believe they could effectively distribute it,” Moakes was quoted as saying.
“Based on the result, it will be much faster to get to the user than the novel drug. I am confident that the design will make an impact. Our goal is to make an impact as soon as possible, we would like to see this happen in the summer, “he said.
In November last year, the researchers who worked on the sprayer from April 2020 reported that laboratory tests showed that the spray prevented coronavirus infection from spreading for up to 48 years. hours.
The team believes that using the sprayer four times a day would be sufficient for general protection, although it is safe to apply every 20 minutes if in a highly hazardous environment. with population density such as schools.
The spray is a combination of an antiviral agent called carrageenan, commonly used in food as a thickening agent, and a solution called gellan – a gelling agent selected for its ability to adhere to cells inside the carrageenan. the nose.
Gellan is an important component as it has the ability to be sprayed into delicate droplets inside the nasal cavity, where it can evenly cover the surface and remain at the delivery site rather than slipping down. and out of the nose.
