Around 100 Israelis were banned from taking a flight to Dubai on Wednesday due to issues with their entry permits for the United Arab Emirates, N12 reported. This is the latest in a series of entry permit cases that have affected Israelis from traveling to the UAE. The travelers have applied for permits to enter, but did not receive them as the Ministry of Interior in Dubai is struggling to deal with the number of requests they have received, so they have been abandoned. at the airport, where airport staff allowed passengers to enter the airport due to heavy rain, according to N12.Earlier this week, no 20 Israelis are allowed to board flights to Dubai because of such. issues, Israel Hayom reported. Another similar incident ended with police intervention in that 80 passengers who were not allowed to board a plane refused to leave the airport, N12 said. Last week, about 200 Israeli tourists were detained at Dubai airport on Monday morning after landing in the UAE amid confusion over visa rules, according to N12 news. The tourists said they were detained at the airport due to a change in visa rules prohibiting them from entering. The rules were believed to have allowed Israelis to enter into force Sunday afternoon. The entry cases began on Sunday, although the case was resolved for four flights on Sunday. The Airports Authority has asked Israelis traveling to Dubai that do not have a printed visa, agreed to stop coming to the airport.
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