U.S. B-52 bombers fly over Middle East, Iran criticizes fear | Conflict News

Iran’s foreign minister says the U.S. would be better off spending its billions of arms ’on health for taxpayers.

The United States once again flew B-52 bombers over the Middle East with Iran responding that they should spend their military budget on health care for Americans rather than fear tactics.

The U.S. General Command (CENTCOM) said on Sunday that the “presence patrols” had been flown “as a key part of CENTCOM’s defense role”.

The latest military moves come as security analysts have warned that US President Donald Trump could take military action against Iran in his last days in office.

In the past few weeks, the U.S. military has taken a series of steps to plan to crack down on Iran while publicly asserting that they are not planning – and have not been asked to – take unprepared action against Tehran.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif criticized the B-52 mission on Sunday, saying that if the move were an attempt to intimidate Tehran, the U.S. would be better off spending its billions of arms “on the health of civilians. pay taxes ”.

“Although we have not started a war in over 200 years, we will not shy away from crushing attacks,” Zarif said on Twitter.

The latest move in Middle East America occurred with the planes capable of carrying up to 32,000kg (70,000 pounds) of weapons – including nuclear bombs – a day after the Defense Forces Islamic Islamists test missiles and long-range drones against land and sea targets in Iran’s fourth large-scale force demonstration in two weeks.

This was the fifth B-52 operation in the past few weeks and the U.S. Premier League said air crews had completed the mission.

High tension

Tensions have risen between the US and Iran following the murder of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in Tehran in November. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has accused Israel’s ally of killing the scientist Israel and swore “strong revenge”.

Counter-attacks also escalated around the January 3 anniversary of the assassination of Iran’s chief general Qaseem Soleimani in an American drone strike in Baghdad, Iraq.

Armed conflict would pose a serious problem on foreign policy for U.S. President Joe Biden, who expects to resume diplomatic talks with Tehran after taking office Wednesday.

Biden has said he intends to revert to Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers – a landmark treaty signed during the administration of President Barack Obama, which saw Tehran limit its enrichment nuclear as a trade on the lifting of international sanctions.
