Adding to its rules to help counter misinformation, Twitter plans to implement measures to get rid of its platform of misinformation regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, the the company announced Wednesday.
“Starting next week, we will prioritize the removal of the most harmful false positives, and in the coming weeks we will begin labeling Tweets that contain potentially misleading information about the vaccines, ”said Twitter the press release.
The company already has tools to remove misinformation about the nature of the novel coronavirus and how it spreads, appropriate social distance guidelines, official rules and restrictions, and information on how harmful it can be. for COVID-19 to be.
FILE – this image shows an ‘information check’ sign on a laptop and a Twitter logo on a phone screen.
LOVE: Twitter is launching a ‘pre-bunk’ feature to counter misinformation before the 2020 election
Starting on December 21, information that Twitter may take effect may:
- “False claims recommending vaccines and vaccines are being used to harm or control populations, including reports of vaccines that deliberately attack conspiracy;
- Widespread claims about the adverse effects or adverse effects of vaccines; no
- False states that COVID-19 is not real or not bad, so vaccines are not needed. ”
The company also said it will post leaflets or warnings on some tweets aimed at spreading misinformation.
“Tweets named under this extended guidance may link to authoritative public health information or Twitter Rules to provide people with more context and authoritative information about COVID-19, ”the press release said.
“We will implement this policy in close consultation with local, national and global public health authorities around the world, and seek to be iterative and transparent in our approach,” he concluded. the company.
The new policy comes as the U.S. begins to roll out COVID-19 vaccines in the largest vaccination campaign in the country’s history. Vaccinations in other countries are also ongoing.
This is while high swells of people are skeptical about vaccinations, and anti – vaccine groups and individuals peddle conspiracies on social media.
Facebook and YouTube have also announced that they will remove incorrect information about the vaccines.
The death toll from coronavirus in the U.S. passed a staggering 300,000 Monday, according to Johns Hopkins University, with an estimated 2,400 people now dying each day on average.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.