Twitter hides Iran Iyatollah’s tweet on vaccine conspiracy after Trump is permanently banned

Twitter has removed the COVID-19 conspiracy theory posted by Iranian Director General Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling the U.S. or UK imported vaccines’ completely un- reliable. ‘

Khamenei, who has the final say on all state issues, still has a chance and has tweeted ever since – to true Twitter critics calling for his dismissal from the high-profile. floor blocking U.S. President Donald Trump from his services.

‘It is unlikely that they would want to pollute other countries,’ the tweet referring to both countries, CBS News reports. They also said that the French vaccines are not ‘reliable.’

It raises questions about why special leaders such as Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud still have access to Saudi Arabia.

Khamenei previously wanted even genocide in Israel through the extermination of Zionists, but he is allowed to stay on stage.

OJ Simpson, Richard Spencer’s white nationalist, and well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrahkan are still allowed to tweet.

Iran's prime minister, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state affairs, is still getting to the account and has since tweeted

Iran’s prime minister, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state affairs, is still getting to the account and has since tweeted

A tweet on Khamenei’s Farsi-language account is still up and expressing similar sentiments.

Khamenei on Friday announced a ban on the import of vaccines from the United States and Britain.

The Red Crescent in Iran said it would not include the massive stash of the Pfizer vaccine that American supporters had planned to give to the country.

Iran’s leader has given the green light on imports of the vaccine from overseas safe havens.

Twitter announced Friday afternoon that it was officially banning Trump from the stage after he encouraged a group of supporters to come down on the Capitol.

Twitter announced Friday afternoon that it was officially banning Trump from the stage after he encouraged a group of supporters to come down on the Capitol.

Twitter announced Friday afternoon that it was officially banning Trump from the stage after he encouraged many supporters to come down on the Capitol and do some damage.

‘After a close review of recent tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the surrounding context we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of inciting further violence,’ Twitter said on Friday.

Khamenei on Friday announced a ban on the import of vaccines from the United States and Britain

Khamenei on Friday announced a ban on the import of vaccines from the United States and Britain

‘In the context of this week’s horrific events, we made it clear on Wednesday that further breaches of Twitter Rules could lead to this very act.

We have a public interest framework to allow the public to hear directly from elected officials and global leaders. It is built on the principle that the people have the right to hold power accountable in the open.

However, we made it clear going back years that these accounts are not above our rules and cannot use Twitter to incite violence. We will continue to be transparent about our policies and implementation. ‘

The ban was met with calls from Iranian activists and Trump supporters to remove Khamenei’s account as well.

US Sen. Marco Rubio warned that Twitter censoring could have a major impact.

‘Even those who oppose Trump should see the danger of a small & unelected group with the power to assimilate and obliterate anyone. And what they did will only add new protests that will end up fueling exactly what they say they are trying to ban, ‘the Republican tweeted on Saturday.

Sen. Rick Scott said the social network allows dictators to tweet the wold – the president should not offer them less time.

‘Twitter has now permanently blocked President Trump’s account. At the same time they are allowing the Chinese to openly brag about genocide and the Ayatollah to talk about removing Israel from the front of the map. How can they protect this? His attacks on conservatives are shameful, ‘Scott tweeted.

Maduro does genocide, but he is allowed to use Twitter to spread propaganda without any reaction. My shame. ‘

Lindsey Graham said he thought the ban was a ‘mistake’ and called on Congress to reinstate section 230.

‘Ayatollah can tweet, but Trump can’t. Saying a lot about the people who run Twitter, ’he wrote.

‘Now is the time for @Twitter to remove the man who banned 83 million Iranians from Twitter, banned U.S. & European coronavirus vaccines and ordered the crack that killed 1,500 people -campaign, ‘said Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad. ‘Take off @Khamenei_fa now.’

'Now is the time for @Twitter to remove the man who banned 83 million Iranians from Twitter, banned U.S. & European coronavirus vaccines and ordered the crack that killed 1,500 people -campaign, 'said Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad.  'Remove @Khamenei_fa now'

‘Now is the time for @Twitter to remove the man who banned 83 million Iranians from Twitter, banned U.S. & European coronavirus vaccines and ordered the crack that killed 1,500 people -campaign, ‘said Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad. ‘Remove @Khamenei_fa now’

‘Today, @khamenei_ir posted misinformation about the coronavirus vaccine and his tweet was quickly removed after me and many campaigners expressed it. Suddenly, @khamenei_ir continues to spread the same anti-vaccine propaganda in his Persian account.

She continued: ‘You stopped the @realDonaldTrump account, but you didn’t stop the @ khamenei_ir account, which used the @Twitter platform to issue death threats. He has imprisoned several twitter activists while banning Iranians from accessing Twitter. Why? ‘

In December, Iran began the human test phase of its own vaccine and is expected to release the drug in the spring.

The country has the worst virus spread in the Middle East, with around 1.2 million people infected with the virus. An estimated 56,000 people have died.
