Turned Willie into a coach, now looking for a foreign technical director

Turned Willie into a coach, now looking for a foreign technical director

Gidi Lipkin 22/02/2021 17:45

Willy Rotensteiner (Oren Ben Hakon)

The wonders of the circus of Israeli football. The bringing in of Willy Rotensteiner was solely to be a technical director, to promote Israeli football and to build future plans. During his tenure he was even extended his contract to complete the task, but then came the Corona virus, Andy Herzog resigned, the association told us about financial public responsibility because of the situation and made Willy Rotensteiner a national coach. Something the Austrian wanted from the day he landed here if not earlier.

Once he was appointed as a coach, it was clear that he could no longer be reinstated as a technical manager, let alone let him choose. They have been looking for a replacement for months now. With Yossi Benyon, everything had already closed, but then he was told that the graduate was out of bounds. Benyon got upset, disagreed and his candidacy dropped. The candidacy of Maccabi Haifa’s scout, Gal Alberman, also increased, but he is undergoing a special UEFA course funded by Maccabi Haifa in order to prepare him for the position in the future.

Gal Alberman (Radad Jabara)Gal Alberman (Radad Jabara)

The possibility of Alon Hazan also came up, but he prefers the young woman’s training. Ran Ben Shimon’s name has also been aired but he concentrates on training. The Football Association created a vegetable salad and are now reconsidering options for professional managers from abroad. Rotensteiner will surely control them, and again we will be dependent on everything that happens in Austria that has become the dominant figure in Israeli football. It would have been avoided if they had kept him in the position and appointed an Israeli coach, but the Football Association caused what is happening now.

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