Travelers inhale high levels of chemicals that increase the risk of cancer

A new study finds that California travelers appear to be taking chemicals at levels that increase the risk for cancer and birth defects.

Like most chemicals, the poison is in so much. Below a certain level of exposure, even known carcinogens are less likely to cause cancer. As soon as you cross that threshold, the risk for disease increases.

Government agencies tend to regulate these thresholds in workplaces. However, private spaces such as the interiors of our cars and living rooms are not inspected.

Benzene and formaldehyde – both used in the manufacture of automobiles – are known to cause cancer at certain levels or higher and are listed chemicals with Prop 65.

New UC Riverside research shows that the average traveler in California is above the level for openness, inhaling in inconsistently high levels of both chemicals.

Both benzene and formaldehyde are carcinogens, and there is an increased risk of toxic reproductive and developmental toxicity.

“These chemicals are highly volatile, moving easily from plastics and textiles to the air you breathe,” said David Volz, UCR professor of environmental toxicology.

The study, published in the journal International Environment, measured the daily dose of benzene and formaldehyde ingested by drivers with cycles of at least 20 minutes per day.

It found that up to 90% of the population in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange, Santa Clara, and Alameda counties has at least a 10% chance of overcoming cancer risk from taking their diet. -into the chemicals, based on having average 30-minute travel times. .

“Of course, there is an exposure range that depends on how long you are in the car, and how much fertilizer your car is emitting,” said Aalekhya Reddam, a graduate student in a laboratory Volz, and lead author of the study.

Previously, Volz and Reddam studied the exposure of passengers to a flame retardant called TDCIPP or chlorinated tris, and found that longer travel times were more familiar with that carcinogen as well.

They undertook this study seeking to understand the hazard of that cement compared to other chemicals introduced at car manufacturing.

Reddam advises travelers to keep windows open when traveling if possible. “At least with a little air flow, you would weaken the concentration of these chemicals inside your car,” she said.

Benzene is used to make synthetic fiber, and formaldehyde is a binding agent in plastics. “There should be alternatives to these chemicals to achieve the same goals during vehicle manufacturing,” Volz said. “If so, those should be used.”


University of California – Riverside

Magazine Reference:

Reddamab, A & Volzb, D, C. (2021) Two Prop 65-listed chemicals within vehicles may be associated with an increased risk of cancer. International Environment.
