This is how Iran disguises weapons depots in Syria

Iran is using the capabilities of international companies and the United Nations to disguise weapons stockpiles at the Syrian airport in Damascus, the insurgents’ news site “Voice of Damascus” reported tonight (Saturday).

Defense Minister Gantz on a visit to the border with Syria last month: “We will act against anyone who tries to harm us” // Photo: Tal Oz, Ministry of Defense

According to the report, which is based on a source in a private company, the Revolutionary Guards set up a dummy container terminal near the airport. The names of the UN and the international shipping company were written on the containers DHL.

The report also states that the Iranians are using the new terminal as a temporary distribution center where weapons, mainly missiles and missile parts, are being held before they are distributed to various sites throughout Syria. According to the source, the container complex is located just 200 meters from the airport area, which was previously attacked by Israel after being used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to arm the pro-Iranian militias and Hezbollah members.

Revolutionary Guards personnel reportedly guard the new facility, which local workers are prevented from approaching. The complex has more than 25 containers, which were previously used by the UN.

Damascus Airport in Syria, 2016 // Photo: Tim Breikmeier
