This is an automated film scanner made by Legos and Raspberry Pi

Innovative designer Benjamin Bezine has created a Raspberry Pi film scanner that comes with a film promoter made from Lego and a mirrorless camera that combines machine learning with scanning entire rolls of film.

Bezine writes that this is its fourth flight of the Roboscan machine, with the latest model made more efficient thanks to the Raspberry Pi. It uses machine learning to find out when a picture is properly designed before setting the camera on fire.

“The first version was a simple proof of concept, but it was all too aware of changes in the film, such as the harshness of the film, the inconsistency in the scope of the pictures,” Bezine writes on Reddit. “There was also a lot of manual work such as camera options that you always forget to change. So I created a new, stronger version that tries to do this faster and smarter. ”

It states that it has built a web interface to control the scanning process and has full control of the camera setting through that web interface which will be saved and restored at the end of each session.

Bezine says this device can scan a 36-frame film roll in about six minutes, which involves transferring the images to a PC.

To help those who want to try making this device at home, Bezine has published the designs for a Lego brick structure here.

You also need a libgphoto2 compatible macro lens digital camera with image capture and preview support, Raspberry Pi, driver stepper motor, 3D printed adapter to integrate the motor into the Legos, white LED module backlight, LED driver, high-power LED, and a named Lego frame.

Bezine has published full instructions on how to configure the tool on Github, as well as open source software.

(via Hackaday)
