There is one way people could ‘safely’ go into a black hole, physicists say

To solve the mystery of black holes, mankind should enter into one.

However, the catch is a bit complicated: One can only do this if the black hole is individually supermassive and isolated, and the person entering the black hole does not intend to report it anyone in the entire Universe.

We are both physicists who study black holes, even though they are from a very safe distance. Black holes are among the most abundant astrophysical materials in our Universe.

These interesting things seem to be an essential part of the evolution of the Earth, from the Big Bang to the present day. They may have influenced the creation of human life in our own galaxy.

file 20210129 19 1ly38egA man falls into a black hole and stretches it. (Leo Rodriguez / Shanshan Rodriguez / CC BY-ND)

Two types of black holes

The Universe is full of huge juice of various kinds of black holes.

They can vary in size and be electronically charged, in the same way that atoms have electrons or proteins. Some black holes actually spin. There are two types of black holes that are relevant to our discussion.

The first one does not rotate, it is electronically neutral – that is, without any positive or negative charge – and we have the mass of the sun. The second type is a horrible black hole, with a mass of millions to even billions of times larger than our sun.

In addition to the big difference between the two types of black holes, what also distinguishes them is the distance from their center to the “event horizon” – a measure known as radial distance.

file 20210119 24 1w07b7aA man seems to survive falling into an enormous black hole. (Leo & Shanshan Rodriguez / CC BY-ND)

The horizon of a black hole event never returns. Anything that goes past this point will be swallowed up by the black hole and will forever disappear from our Universe.

On the horizon of the event, the gravity of the black hole is so powerful that a measure of mechanical force cannot overcome or oppose it. Even light, the fastest moving object in our Universe, cannot escape – hence the term “black hole”.

The radial size of the event horizon depends on the mass of the individual black hole and is fundamental for a living being to fall into one. For a black hole with a mass of our Sun (one mass of sun), the radius of the event horizon will be a little less than 2 miles (3.2 kilometers).

file 20210119 21 1lb26xuA person approaches the horizon of a sun-sized black hole event. (Leo and Shanshan Rodriguez / CC BY-ND)

In the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, by contrast, there is a mass of about 4 million solar supplies, and there is an event horizon with a radius of 7.3 million miles or 17 solar radii.

So, someone who falls into a black hole the size of a stellar size will get much, much closer to the center of the black hole before passing the horizon of the event, instead of falling into a hole terrible black.

This means that due to the close proximity of the center of the black hole, the pull of the black hole on a person will vary by a factor of 1,000 billion times between head and toe, depending on what is driving the fall of the -free.

In other words, if the person falls a foot first, and approaches the horizon of a large stellar black hole event, the gravity pull on their feet will be greater compared to thatching the black hole on his head.

The person would experience spaghettification, and would probably not survive being stretched into a long, thin, note – like shape.

Now, a person who fell into a black hole above the horizon of the event would reach much further from the main source of traction, which means that the difference in traction between head and toe is close to zero.

Thus, the man would pass through the horizon of the event without effect, without being stretched into a long thin noodle, survive and sail painlessly past the horizon of the black hole.

Another consideration

Most of the black holes we see in the Universe are surrounded by very hot discs of matter, mostly containing gas and dust or other objects such as stars and found planets. too close to the horizon and fell into the black hole.

These discs are called induction discs and are very hot and turbulent. Of course they are not hospitable and traveling to the black hole would be very dangerous.

To enter one safely, you would need to find a supermassive black hole that is completely isolated and without feeding on surrounding substances, gas, or even stars.

Now, if a person found a remote secluded black hole suitable for scientific study and decided to go inside, everything that was seen or measured from the inside of the black hole would be destroyed. constraint within the event horizon of the black hole.

Keeping in mind that nothing can escape the draw beyond the horizon of the event, the incumbent would not be able to postpone any information about their decisions. outside this horizon. Their journey and decisions would be lost to the rest of the Universe all the time. But they would enjoy the adventure, as long as they survived… perhaps…. The Conversation

Leo Rodriguez, Associate Professor of Physics, Grinnell College and Shanshan Rodriguez, Associate Professor of Physics, Grinnell College.

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