The Wage Commissioner extends parental entitlements in the civil service

A joint work team we appointed The Commissioner for Wages, Kobi Bar-Natan, and the Civil Service Commissioner, Professor Daniel Hershkovitz, Concluded that there is a need to reduce the bureaucratic burden that exists today, and that there is a need to increase awareness of rights and their accessibility, as well as to change the organizational culture in the context of home-work balance in relation to both parents.

The team, appointed in light of the changes in culture and society and in order to examine the need for changes in parental rights currently granted to male and female employees, found that even today, although there is a possibility of exercising parental rights by men, the rate of fathers exercising these rights is significantly lower. Fewer hours than fathers. These data may explain the pay gap between women and men in the civil service and have the potential to preserve a family structure in which the mother is the “primary caregiver” of children and the home.

Following the staff’s conclusions, the Commissioner of Wages and the Civil Service Commissioner approved the start of a pilot in which eligibility for “parental service” will be given to 2 parents equally, regardless of the exercise of the right by the spouse and regardless of the type of relationship between the parents. Eligibility will depend only on the legal affiliation of the child. In addition, actions will be taken to simplify and make accessible the process of exercising parental rights and promoting active actions to exercise parental rights among both parents.

The work of the joint work team was led by Adv. Yael Israeli-Nevo, Legal Adviser in the Wages and Employment Agreements Division of the Ministry of Finance and Michal Lazarovich, Director of the Gender Equality Division, Civil Service Commission. Representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the Local Government Center also participated.

Kobi Bar Natan, in charge of wages and employment agreements: “The Wages Division works to promote a family supportive policy and strengthens gender equality in the civil service and the general public sector. I believe that the staff’s conclusions and implementation, will help us take one more step towards this worthy purpose and in particular move towards reducing gender pay gaps.

I thank the members of the team for their professional work, for thinking “outside the box” and wish all public sector employees that we will continue to engage in meaningful public work without sacrificing the right (and duty) to be co-parents and active parents of our child. “

Prof. Daniel Hershkovitz, Civil Service Commissioner: “The Commission has long regretted its advocacy of being a family support organization, which sees significant value in creating a balance between home and work and all employees, regardless of gender or marital status. This value becomes even more important in the relationship between parents and their children, and the tools available to support the facts. “In recent years, we have witnessed an increasing involvement of fathers in the family unit, and we see a pleasant privilege to assist in this positive trend.”
