The tragic incident that left Yamit Abramov from “Big Brother” shocked

Yamit Abramov, Comes out “Big Brother”, former head of the minister’s office Orly Levy Aboksis, And whoever came out in the fight for the law of supervision and cameras in kindergartens after a shaky personal experience went through quite a few difficult moments in her life but did not really expect it. Shortly after the release of the closure, and the children of Israel left their homes, Abramov also went for a walk with her children and experienced for the first time harsh criticism from viewers at home about her conduct in reality.

During her stay at Big Brother, Abramov drew criticism for daring to hug or touch other men at home when she was married and close to religion, and instead of spending time with her children last Saturday, Abramov had a random encounter with two foreign women who decided to interfere in her relationship with her husband. Which left her hurt and in tears.

Yamit Abramov reveals: This is what my husband thought about the relationship with Yehuda Yitzhakov – click here

“Where does the line go between legitimate and tactless?” Abramov wrote, “We went for a walk, two women approached me. ‘Oh, it’s you, Yamit from the big brother. Listen, we’re ashamed of you, just disgusting. A married woman from Alak is religious. You kissed, come on … a liar, “she said.

“I stood still, I was next to the children. I answered them, ‘Have a Shabbat Shalom. I was with tears in my eyes, not because of them. They do not interest me. I knew I came to represent the religious world. Too bad no one updated me. Even if I was there covered from head to toe, what would you judge me and my way ??? I will represent the Creator of the world and he did not tell anyone ??? I am the law And I will give my account to the Father in heaven and not to anyone else, “she added.

“It’s me, not your love – yours. I will not be different because it fits your box. You put on me full of stigmas and according to that I should live ?? So let me, it does not interest me the evil that comes out. So I was in tears because my children came to me And they said, Mom, we love you, that’s what matters. So yes, that’s what matters, my children. Beyond that, nothing interests me. Keyboard heroes or critique heroes, please enjoy every letter and letter. You can not touch me. And if we are dealing with religion, “Derech Eretz preceded the Torah, adopt it. It will not harm you.”
