The spreaders of lies want us to remain hostages of the plague – do not let them win

A history that will be remembered for many years to come is recorded right before our eyes when the Maccabi HMO hotline was flooded yesterday with requests to book vaccinations, with hospitals preparing to vaccinate President Rivlin, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Health Minister Edelstein. The personal example of the three is excellent and may improve responsiveness. Israelis receive the vaccine, because personal example is one of the most prominent ways to increase public trust.

This is a historic time in a plague that is on a historic scale and for this moment humanity has been praying for almost a year, that the vaccine will be found that will succeed in eradicating it.

However, after the great success of Netanyahu and Edelstein in bringing the vaccines to Israel soon, no less important is the building of public confidence in receiving the vaccines.

One of the most difficult problems is that some politicians and even some doctors have a mixed, justified role, in criticizing the actions and decisions of the Ministry of Health and the government in the fight against corona and vaccines, and the result is that some have direct or irresponsible, outrageous statements that could directly affect our lives. .

Yesterday, the Minister of Health, Edelstein, dared to make a direct accusation when he said in a press release that “in recent days there have been cases of Pike News and calls not to get vaccinated by MKs of the Yisrael Beiteinu faction, and I would like to understand from their party chairman if this is a solid position.” And the party, and if not, I will seek to join the call for the citizens of the country to be vaccinated in order to defeat the plague together. ” In response, Lieberman replied that “every person according to his age, health condition and consultations with his doctors will carefully consider how to act. I intend to get vaccinated, but I do not intend to preach morality on the subject to anyone.”

Health Minister Edelstein // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

From the individual to the general

Lieberman’s answer is largely a summary of the irresponsibility that characterizes some of Israel’s politicians and also a handful of doctors, some of whom are senior executives who have become Corona deniers. But a vaccine, unlike other therapies, also protects the family, community, and society as a whole, so that in immunization there is an imperative and a moral and social necessity that Lieberman waves. But just as receiving a vaccine also for receiving and adhering to the guidelines and restrictions of the corona has a very great moral and social significance. Even under these restrictions, irresponsible politicians, borderless doctors and celebrities who allow themselves to be underestimated by the entire public are underestimated.

Israel is now in a very fragile time with the start of vaccinations alongside a sharp alarming and dangerous rise in corona third wave morbidity and towards new and unavoidable restrictions until a third closure, which the sooner they are imposed will save many more victims and many patients with very serious illness. But in the coming days you will hear senior doctors who will continue with the nonsense that there is no need for closure and will almost say that “Corona is just the flu”, or hospital administrators who will tell you how many they have and enough hospital beds for many Corona patients, but the answer is That we do not want more serious patients in their hospitals, because we know that most of them have not survived the most terrible epidemic in 100 years.
