The show is just beginning: outstanding and disappointing this season in the Premier League

The show is just beginning: outstanding and disappointing this season in the Premier League

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In a few hours, the regular season of the Premier League will end and it will split into two, an upper playoff and a lower playoff. Although we have some unresolved questions left, we can already sum up the regular league, even if in the end, the two most failed teams of the Premier League, Betar Jerusalem and Hapoel B’Shlosha, will eventually succeed in the top playoff.

It was the strangest league in history, and everything was taken into account. The corona virus that hit the whole world of course did not miss Israeli football and that means a league that was shut down, back and forth again, players who were found positive for the virus, whole teams that contracted and stopped their activities and of course the highlight, with no crowd at all. The stadiums were deserted, which hurt the game a lot. The consolation is that tonight we will see games with 5,000 spectators, after increasing from 1,500 and that is something. Were it not for the Corona, only 75,000 spectators would have come today to three stadiums (Bloomfield, Sami Ofer and BS). Instead, it seems that only 15,000 missed so much.

There have been quite a few good things this season, but in the same breath we have seen quite a few failures. Let’s start with that. The two most failing teams in the Premier League are Betar Jerusalem and Hapoel B’Shlosha. It is true that the two still have a reasonable chance of eventually making it to the top playoffs, but the season as a whole has been terrible.

Betar Jerusalem, whose owner Moshe celebrates as high as possible, did not believe that this is how his team will look in most games in the league. He is also to blame, but first and foremost those who failed are the players and coaches. All of Drapich and Barda’s attempts to get on the right track failed. Did they not try there? Some changes in the line-ups. And nothing went. Betar Jerusalem is a collection of good individual players, but a team is not and therefore its leading players are disappointments this season and these are Uriel Degani, Ali Muhammad, Eliran Atar, Yarden Shoa, Michael Ohana And the Rose Age. Everyone is a good player, but when they came on the field together, it was not a football team, certainly unbalanced.

The second disappointing team is Hapoel B’Shlosha. Like Betar Jerusalem, it also replaced a coach and these are first-rate coaches, Yossi Aboksis and Roni Levy, who was previously fired from Betar Jerusalem. So far, Roni Levy has not brought anything new and refreshing to B’Shlosha and he Nor did he win any games. Owner Alona Barkat wants to be successful and is not satisfied with mediocrity, but watches the team and is disappointed every week. Next season, Alona plans to compete for the championship. She is going to put her hand in her pocket and build an excellent team that will compete for the championship with Maccabi Tel Aviv and Maccabi Haifa. Only for that she returned and not own a mediocre and backward team. At this rate, it is not certain that Roni Levy will get the reins next season.

The third disappointing team is Hapoel Haifa. No one will convince me that her staff does not deserve the first six. Hapoel Haifa’s problem this year was the defense. Too many absorbs, and coach Haim Sylves did not respond correctly. Instead of bringing in Alon Turgeman in January, a good brake could have been brought in. Owner Yoav Katz, for his part, put his hand deep in his pocket, but Sylves did not know how to use the money correctly, built a bad team at the beginning of the season, released players too quickly who only signed and only caused spin in the system. The relegation from the cup by Maccabi Tel Aviv is not a failure, the fact that the team will play in the lower playoffs is a failure.

Bnei Yehuda is another team that failed miserably this season due to bizarre decisions and one after another by owner Barak Abramov. The dismissal of Elisha Levy, the arrival of Nir Berkovich, whom Abramov did not believe in from the beginning, the many weeks without a coach with Kfir Edri the general manager and Yaakov Asaig the goalkeeping coach who did not want to coach at all, the staff is not good and that is the result. It will be difficult to keep the team in the league, and in addition to all the trouble the fans do not let go of Barak Abramov who will leave the team.The general atmosphere is very bad, no points, staff not good enough, defensive game that will not allow leftovers in the league and all this Yossi Aboksis.

Hapoel Kfar Saba also fails, despite bringing in coach Elisha Levy. Boss Yitzhak Shom and his son Idan kept dripping at us that the team deserves the top playoff. It seems to me that they, who are in charge of the team, also do not know what they are talking about. These are the five disappointing teams and with them the coaches.
5. Hapoel Kafas
4. Bnei Yehuda
Hapoel Haifa
2. Hapoel B’Sh
1. Betar Jerusalem

The failing coaches
5. Elisha Levy
4. Yossi Aboksis
3. Haim Sylves
2. Roni Levy
1. Drapich and Barda

Regarding the success of coaches, especially noteworthy are Ran Ben Shimon and Guy Luzon, who for most of the season have put up strong teams, with great football. Ashdod, as I recall, a team that has been in the top playoffs once in the last decade and Maccabi Petah Tikva has only been promoted from the national league.

Of course, it is also worth mentioning Barak Bachar with Maccabi Haifa, whose expectations are very high when the goal is one and only to win the championship, with great football most of the season. But Bachar already has 5 losses, including in this season’s game for Maccabi Tel Aviv which was missing 5 leading players. Still, Bachar is very close to doing what he did in the BS with the fight being very difficult against Maccabi Tel Aviv. Another coach worth noting is Menachem Koretzky , Who took Hapoel Hadera from last place, with a foot in the national league and did a great job in place of Sharon Mimar who was fired.

But above all without competition is Patrick Van Levon, the coach of Maccabi Tel Aviv. Mitch Goldhaar’s decision to fire the Greek Yorgos Donis is the best decision made this season in the Premier League. Without the replacement, we would have been champions today. What can we say about A balance of 40 points out of 42 possible and two more difficult cup games away against Hapoel BS and Hapoel Haifa. Completely stabilized the team, the players in each interview note the difference between Van Levon and Donis, the happy football, the control of the team. All this greatly brought Maccabi Tel Aviv back to the battle for the championship, which two months ago seemed lost.

The most successful coaches
5. Menachem Koretzky
4. Guy Luzon
3. Ran Ben Shimon
2. Barak Bachar
1. Patrick Van Leven

The regular season lineup
Regarding Ruby Lewkowicz I had no hesitation. With his own hands, and in many games he recorded rare stops that helped Hapoel Hadera escape from the bottom. Why did I prefer him over Josh Cohen and Daniel Tennenbaum running for the championship? How many times are they kicked to the goal and how many to Ruby Lebkowitz? A simple explanation.

The truth, toYinon Eliyahu There was no tough competition. He maintained his ability all season, was excellent offensively and defensively, helped his team Maccabi Petah Tikva be one of the surprises of the season and played much more than Geralds, Maor Kandil and Ben Bitton, who has been doing well since arriving at Hapoel Tel Aviv. The brakes Eitan Tibi andNenad Tsvetkovich, Wonderfully stabilize the defenses of Maccabi Tel Aviv and MS Ashdod, every attack in their field are very present.

Only in the left defensive position did I have a dilemma. There is no doubt at all thatSun. comfort And Enrique Saborit are the best in the league by a margin. Both are important parts of their excellent teams in the fight for the championship. So what, after all, decided in favor of San Menachem? He defeated Saborit by a tenth of a percent because he played more games than him and also scored 4 goals compared to just one of Saborit. Currently, Menachem is slightly superior to him. When we know the identity of the champion, there will be a clearer answer. We will also add that San Menachem does not give Taleb Twataha any chance and he is also supposed to be the left defender of the Israeli team.

There is no hesitation about the link. Dor Peretz andRAM Golsa Today they are the best players in the country, much thanks to their ability Maccabi Tel Aviv has caught up with the huge gap from Maccabi Haifa. Sometimes it seems to me that with all the changes in the lineup of Maccabi Tel Aviv, it does not matter who opens, Peretz and Golsa and 9 are enough. Roy Gordana In a fantastic season. Leader, sophisticated dedication, dribbler, everything MS Ashdod needs to succeed. Great player.

Liel worked, The most talented youngster in the Premier League today. He does not play in a big team and yet shows us week after week why he is deadly, fast, agile, ball control, conquering, troubling, evolving into a great player. Nikita Roakavica, 9 Crazy, scoring goals by grace, very suitable with his numbers for a team that wants a championship. In the last few games he has rusted a bit due to injury and Corona’s disease, but I have no doubt that he will recover and maybe already today against the weak defense of Maccabi Netanya.

Dolev Haziza, What a great actor. Very smart in his game, great game vision, tremendous dribble, drives his defenders crazy, hard to impossible to maintain. With all the compliments to Maccabi Haifa, in my opinion he is its number one player this season. Just a little tip Dolev, refer only to the ball, only the game, they are your best friends even brothers. I’ve seen too many times this season that during the game you mess with nonsense. Leave, get out of this, you’re a great player, do not get into fights and anger, it will only bother you.

In conclusion, we have a huge battle for the championship, the fate of the relegation is not yet decided, which means that the playoffs will also be interesting. As for the teams that will enter the top playoffs today, they are irrelevant to the top, except that they will try to interfere with the title candidacy.

And there is also the State Cup. I can already bet that one of the big two will also win the trophy. The coping that will be in the future in the next steps will be decisive. There is also a situation for a double this year, and if it is Maccabi Tel Aviv, it will win all four titles. The biggest test of the character of Israeli football is that of Maccabi Haifa. To this day, it has not been able to beat Maccabi Tel Aviv. All in your head. Haifa also knows better than anyone that without victories over Maccabi Tel Aviv there are no titles. In two weeks we will be smarter. I am not closed on where it will be, in Bloomfield or Sami Ofer.
