The satellite reveals the damage of the US attack in Syria

Satellite images of the satellite and technology company Maxar today (Saturday) revealed the damage of the American attack on the Syrian-Iraqi border, which killed at least one pro-Iranian militiaman and injured another 22.

The photos show that the attack took place in a parking lot next to the border terminal set up by members of the revolution. The purpose of the terminal is to transfer personnel, ammunition and equipment for the pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Quds Force members of the Revolutionary Guards.

The site in Syria after the attack // Photo: Maxar Technologies

Serious damage appears to have been caused to some transportable structures placed in the parking lot sukkah and several vehicles, apparently trucks, were destroyed in the attack. The footage confirms the claims of the Center for Human Rights in Syria, an organization affiliated with the opposition and based in London, according to which the American attack focused on the shipment of large arms that came from the Iraqi border into Syrian territory.

The site attacked by the United States after the attack

Journalists affiliated with Iraqi Shiite militias posted photos showing the site being attacked, showing damage to buildings but no trace of the vehicles destroyed. The pro-Iranian militia Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq announced that one of its men had been killed in the attack.

The attack, carried out by President Biden, came in response to a series of missile strikes on U.S. targets across Iraq, in which a U.S. military contractor was killed and several other U.S. soldiers were wounded.
