The next SpaceX building, carrying Akihiko Hoshide from Japan, is scheduled for April 22nd

NASA said Friday that they plan to launch another SpaceX spacecraft, thanks to Akihiko Hoshide of Japan and bringing three other astronauts to the International Space Station, for as early as April 22nd.

This is the third flight to the ISS with the Crew Dragon capsule, developed by US company Space Exploration Technologies Corp. The previous flight, known as the Crew-1 mission, took place in November, carrying three NASA astronauts and Soichi Noguchi from Japan. .

The upcoming Crew-2 mission, which it will build from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, will carry Hoshide, 52, two NASA astronauts and an astronaut from the European Space Agency, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NASA had previously stated that the launch would not be earlier than April 20th.

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