The new Covid-19 Strain will only make the Pandemic worse

The new variant of SARS-CoV-2 appearing in the United Kingdom has made its way to the United States. As Covid-19 worsens in the United States – approximately 180,000 cases and 2,000-4,000 deaths per day – this new variant, which may be more contagious, will not only accelerate in the coming months. ahead. It’s time to rebalance. Measures to control Covid-19 in the US are not working and vaccine distribution is slower than we had hoped. Things don’t get any worse. We need to rethink our strategies to manage Covid-19 to save the hundreds of thousands who will die in the coming months.


The recipe for the success of Covid-19 requires quality ingredients. The first of these follows the French lead: nationwide closures. Asking people to stay happy at home, as we did in the US, has failed miserably. As thousands lose their lives, nearly a million Americans fly on Christmas Eve. France has suffered worse disease rates than we have in recent months, but rates have fallen twenty-fold by tight locking pressure.

We have seen the effectiveness of tight locking measures before. At the onset of the pandemic, the U.S. maintained adequate control of the spread before reopening the economy and spreading the virus. In addition to France, European countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain also controlled Covid-19 to a high degree. Levels began to spin, again, as economies opened up. Japan recently banned entry to all incomprehensible foreign nationals as a new Covid-19 warning. A few weeks of locking could stop the rapid acceleration of cases we are currently experiencing, and in conjunction with other measures, Covid-19 can be completely brought under control.

The next ingredient is to accelerate the spread of vaccines across the country. The U.S. vaccine rollout is already far behind. Initial estimates from Operation Warp Speed ​​were 20 million vaccines before the New Year and a further 20-25 million in January. Only about 2 million have been vaccinated or 10% of the previously set target.

We have several high-quality U.S. vaccines, but now two Chinese vaccines and the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine have been approved in other major countries. We should work to introduce them to support our vaccine circulation efforts at home. The Chinese vaccines are relatively comparable in effectiveness to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, but are cheaper to produce and easier to transport. We need more data on the safety and effectiveness of all vaccines, which will only be apparent in time, but there would be significant progress in getting more vaccines available to more people.

The third ingredient is the implementation of cheap, fast tests at home. These tests can cost as little as fifty cents, give results within fifteen minutes, and can be self-administered or administered by a parent for a child. The first rapid home test was granted emergency use permission a few weeks ago. Abbott Laboratories, the maker of a fifty percent used Hepatitis C test in Egypt, is developing a free test for themselves.

Regularly testing everyone can help us identify those who are infected, whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic. Those with a proven case would be quickly separated and receive financial support in the form of direct payments or goods such as food, shelter, medical needs and so on.

With all these ingredients, a chef must be present to prepare the recipe. The federal government has not yet taken responsibility for major Covid-19 initiatives. Vaccination regimes, treatments, and now have been left at the states to find out. I suspect that at no level of confidence of the U.S. government – federal, state or local – is what needs to be done despite the struggle against citizens. Americans don’t want to feel it rape into domestic loneliness, vaccinations, or compulsory testing, so American politicians are afraid to implement these policies.


The new strain makes the above more necessary. We don’t know much about the UK weight found in Colorado, but there are many reasons for concern. This strain appears to be highly contagious, more than layers up to this point. It also opens the door to the potential of other new strains of the virus. It appears that home rays in the US have not yet been identified.

With each new snoring, there are new mutations in the structure of the virus. If there are too many mutations, the vaccines we distribute may not provide protection. Scientists look uncertain that the UK variant will enter this region, but there may already be changes that are too long for our conventional vaccine system.

We need to work before this pandemic gets worse. Nationwide closure, improved vaccine circulation, and a rapid testing regime could bring this pandemic under control in a few months. The recipe is written and the ingredients are available. At this point, the question is whether the chefs – our public leaders – decide to cook.

