The new beast of the Cold War will dominate the multiplayer Search and Destroys games

Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops quickly became one of the most talked about video games since it was released at the end of last year. Set in Cold War, the first-person shooter video game from Treyarch promises a gunplay immersive experience possible with the wide range of weapons it has to offer. The game is relatively new, but has already received several updates, introducing new content and using key fixes. The gaming company has also been coming out about various bugs and insights within the title and they have entered into several fixes in the last few weeks.

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Cold War Bug with Search and Destroy matches

Despite several updates and fixes, Black War Ops Cold War is still plastered with a number of bugs and wisdom across various modes. Now, a new Cold War beast has appeared in the Cold War that is ruining the playing experience for most fans. Several players have complained that the new Cold War glitch has hit Search and Destroy games. As a result, the winning team has not been able to get the win at the end of the games.

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It is a game mode where two teams take turns attacking and defending two bomb sites found across the map. The attacking team must work together to successfully plant and detonate the bomb. The defensive team, on the other hand, must stop the attackers in their tracks.

The first team to get six wins the game; however, players have complained that the game does not declare them winners even if they get the desired winners. Instead of finishing the game, it goes on until their opponents get six wins for themselves. As a result, the game leads to a draw.

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Treyarch has not yet addressed the beast, however, it looks like the issue will be tweaked in a future update. Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops is now available on various platforms that include the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X / Series S, Xbox One, and Windows PC.

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Image credits: Call of Duty website
