The names of the 17-year-old rapists in Ashkelon were allowed to be published

The 17-year-old minor rape case in Ashkelon: The Supreme Court today (Wednesday) allowed the names of the men suspected of the rape and sodomy of the minor to be published.
The suspects are: Aharon Zino (20 “resident of Ashkelon), Aviv Ohayon (23, resident of Ashkelon), Yitzhak Maman (24, resident of Ashkelon), Lior Simhon (29, resident of Ashkelon) and Daniel Danilov (20, resident of Afula). They are suspected of execution Offenses of aggravated sodomy and rape against the minor In addition, Defendant 1 in the indictment is charged with assault against the complainant, and Defendants 4,3,1 and 5 are charged with committing an offense of supplying a dangerous drug.

The indictment against them was filed on January 6, and the attorneys’ attorney filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the district court’s decision to allow their names to be published. However, during today’s hearing, and on Judge Elron’s recommendation, they withdrew from the appeal.

According to the first charge, attributed to all the defendants, the complainant, a 17-year-old minor at the time of the incident, knew the defendant Aaron Zino, and the two arranged to meet. The complainant arrived at an apartment in Ashkelon. The defendants, along with another person whose identity is unknown to the complainant, sat in the living room of the apartment and smoked cannabis. At one point, while the complainant was in one of the rooms, the defendants and the other person entered the room and committed sexual offenses with the complainant together, despite her refusal and while insulting her.

Defendant Aaron Zeno, according to the indictment, encouraged the other defendants with humiliating cries towards the complainant and documented the incident.

According to the facts of the second charge, during the two weeks following the incident in the first charge the complainant stayed with Defendant 1 and the others. During this period, the defendants supplied the complainant with dangerous drugs known as “Crystal”, “Ecta” and “Acid” on a daily basis.

In addition, Defendant 1 is charged with offenses of sodomy and assault. According to the facts of the third charge, during the two weeks following the rape incident, Defendant 1 committed an act of sodomy on the complainant without her free consent, and also assaulted her by punching her and kicking her when she wanted to leave the place.

It should be noted that the young woman complained to the police six months after the tragic events.

The prosecution asked the court to order the detention of all the defendants until the end of the legal proceedings against them.
