“The moment of truth has arrived”: about 15,000 demonstrators against Netanyahu in Jerusalem

Thousands came tonight (Saturday) to participate in the huge demonstration of all protest organizations outside the prime minister’s residence, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Balfour. According to estimates by the black flag movement, there are tens of thousands who came to participate in the demonstration.

Activists from the various movements were seen carrying protest signs with the caption: “On March 23, we are all at the polls, it’s in our hands!”

Demonstrations in Balfour, last Saturday before the election (Photo: Black Flags Spokeswoman)Demonstrations in Balfour, last Saturday before the election (Photo: Black Flags Spokeswoman)

The chairman of the Movement for the Quality of Government, Dr. Eliad Shraga, said: “In the morning news, we hear how critical decisions are made for political rather than business reasons, without public transparency and without holding the public accountable. Instead of taking personal responsibility for the failed management of the Corona crisis, and working to rescue Israel from the economic, social and constitutional crisis, Netanyahu continues to engage in his personal struggle for survival, When an entire country is held hostage. “Our democracy is in danger, but in the end Israel will win – it is in our hands.”

Roi Peleg, leader of the “Investigation Now” protest: “Despite attempts to dwarf us – we are strong, influential and leading the agenda. The belief that we are entitled to a clean government and a clean and innocent indictment inspires hope for a better future. We demonstrate today to remind the public The Israeli because it is in our hands, and it can be done. “

Demonstration against Netanyahu (Photo: Courtesy of the Movement for Quality of Government)Demonstration against Netanyahu (Photo: Courtesy of the Movement for Quality of Government)

Meanwhile, the two black flag activists were attacked during their preparations for the protest, according to the black flag movement. Dr. Yael Shomer, a senior lecturer in political science at Tel Aviv University and an activist of the black flag protest at the Tzamarot junction in Herzliya, said: She crossed the road towards us and verbally confronted a demonstrator next to me as I turned my back on both of them. Suddenly a karate blow came down behind my left ear. Where did we get hit with when I go out to demonstrate to keep my country democratic? “This is incitement that seeps from above into the field and we all know who is up there in Balfour and especially in light of the latest video that Ohana posted on his Facebook, disgusting behavior, literally.”

Another black flag activist, Mia Ben-Zvi, reported another case of violence: “Two very violent Bibi supporters cursing and threatening us tried to hit the protesters while some of us shielded the rest of the protesters with our bodies. The police walking around with a car next to us did not intervene until we knocked on the window. The cops who know Bibi’s supporters by their personal names smile at them and take an approach that works to keep us away instead of keeping them away. It’s a very trending and misguided incident by the police that directly supports the violence of Bibi’s supporters. Instead of keeping the provocateurs looking for violence it keeps us away. “I and my friends abandon us in a dangerous, irresponsible, trending and deliberate manner.”

The Komi Israel movement said: “After irresponsible politicians dragged an entire country to a quarterly election, it is time to put an end to this madness. The camp of change is the majority in the State of Israel and therefore only has the power to do so.”

The police said that their forces were deployed in Jerusalem in the area of ​​Paris Square, Gaza Street, Ben Maimon and the nearby streets, and in the process, the streets of Ben Maimon, Gaza, Paris Square, Agron, King George and Keren Hayesod were blocked.

Demonstration against Netanyahu (Photo: Demonstration against Netanyahu (Photo: “Investigation Now”)

Actor Lior Ashkenazi, who came to take part in the protest, opened the event by saying: “In three days he will go! In three days Israel will win! The most stubborn protest Israel has ever known, and perhaps even the most justified, overthrew the government and gave us all the opportunity to re-elect our leaders. Our future. Friends, it is impossible to reduce the size of the hour. We fought for a year on the streets for democracy. We fought for a clean government. And now the moment of truth has come! We all know exactly what needs to be done. We must not leave anyone at home! In our hands! “

Actress Renana Raz, an activist in the Election Guard, called on citizens to join the project and keep the ballots on Election Day: “A pair of eyes on the ballot box preserves the purity of the election. A few hours’ shift can save democracy! .

A demonstration by Netanyahu’s supporters in Habima Square

Simultaneously with the protest of the prime minister’s opponents in Balfour, his supporters gathered in Habima Square in Tel Aviv carrying signs: “And when they answer it, yes it will multiply and it will break out. From judicial radicalism! “

Demonstration of support for Netanyahu in Habima Square (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)Demonstration of support for Netanyahu in Habima Square (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)
Demonstration of support for Netanyahu in Habima Square (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)Demonstration of support for Netanyahu in Habima Square (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)
Demonstration of support for Netanyahu in Habima Square (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)Demonstration of support for Netanyahu in Habima Square (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)
