The Moderna COVID vaccine may cause side effects for those with facial fillings

People with cosmic face fillings may experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, an FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several test participants with fillers have already experienced side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported Thursday.

“Your immune system that causes inflammation is restored when you get a vaccine, that’s how it should work,” said Dr Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects. easily handled by medical staff.

“So it makes sense for you to see an immune response in some places where they see something that isn’t naturally in your body.”

She said, however, that the side effects should not stop people from getting the vaccine.

“In these cases there was swelling and inflammation in all the patients in the area who received the filling,” Chi said.

“A couple of patients had a breast filler six months before their vaccination and one patient filled their lips two days after the vaccination. All of them were treated with steroids and antihistamines and all of their observations were resolved. “

The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was approved by the FDA on Friday, offering an alternative to one from Pfizer and BioNTech.

Both are working “better than we almost expected,” NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins told the Associated Press. “Science works here, science has done something amazing.”

Early results from large, as yet incomplete studies show that both vaccines show safe and strong protection although Moderna is easier to handle as it does not require storage at ultra-freezing temperatures.
