The Handball Association petitioned the High Court demanding the renewal of the league

Asi Maman 24/01/2021 15:29

Demand to return to play (Hadar Van Kula, Handball Association)

Demand to return to play (Hadar Van Kula, Handball Association)

The Handball Association has petitioned the High Court to order the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Health to open the handball Premier League, similar to football and basketball, which have been granted permission to return to play after a two-week hiatus due to closure. The petition was filed today (Sunday) through Adv. Roi Rosen.

According to the Handball Association, this is a “particularly puzzling, discriminatory and unequal decision, to approve, despite the restrictions, the existence of Premier League games only in the football and basketball industries, without any logic and justification. “An unfair, unreasonable, unreasonable decision and contrary to the rules of proper public administration and any law.”

Roi Rosen (Itzik Belnitsky)Roi Rosen (Itzik Belnitsky)

Adv. Rosen added in his appeal to the High Court: “They have decided to give priority to both branches. At the beginning of March, the various handball teams – men, reserve and women – are expecting challenging games in the various international factories. Thus, apparently in view of the preferred popularity of the ratings of football and basketball, the respondents sinned when they made a blatant and invalid decision. “

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