The hallucinatory: The giant black bear chased the skier. How did he retreat at the end?

Visitors to a ski resort in Romania were left speechless this week after watching moments of horror in which a wild black bear suddenly chased a skier.

In a video taken in real time and later uploaded to the social networks in the country, the surfer is seen when he is not at all aware at first of what is happening around him. Surfers who were on the cable car and saw what was happening from above, began to shout at him and wave their hands in the direction of the bear.

“Faster, faster, run away. Forward, the bear is chasing you. Whatever you do – do not look back,” people from the cable car shouted at him.

Fortunately, the surfer finally understood their signs, and began to resort to sophisticated distractions that, according to local police station spokesman Ivan Zahariya, were the ones that saved him from the dangerous bear. “At one point he decided to drop his backpack on the slope, so that the bear would leave him. So the bear went to the bag and gave up the chase.”

Zohariya and his colleagues at the police received a report that a black bear had managed to infiltrate the area of ​​the ski resort, and move freely up the stairs. The police officers who arrived at the scene made patrols with special SUVs on the slope where the bear was observed, and finally announced that the bear had fled back to the forest – apparently due to the noise of the SUVs that frightened it.
