The FXCM FXCM trading arena reported a cyber incident to the Securities Authority

Trader FXCM reported a cyber incident to the Securities Authority

The FXCM trading arena reported to the Securities Authority the occurrence of a cyber incident in the company. The authority demanded from the company all the information it knew about the incident.

The Authority is in continuous contact with the Company in order to examine the possible risks that may arise from this event.

According to the company’s reports, from an initial inspection, at this stage, there is no danger to customers’ money, bank account details and / or account login passwords and the trading system operates as a series.

At the same time, the Authority is also in contact with the relevant government cyber actors to provide guidance and examine the risks, if any.

Attached is a link to the company’s report on the Securities Authority’s Magna website
A press release is attached.

The following is the FXCM report

Subject: Immediate report.
The Company is pleased to announce the following:
1. Yesterday (2021.1.10), in the morning, the company became aware that an unauthorized person had broken into the data system
The company’s computerized and copied information from it, including recording recordings of conversations between customers and representatives
The company.
2. The company examines the sources of the hack and the scope of the information copied. To the extent that such examination will indicate that they have been copied
Personal details of customers, the company will provide relevant customers with information regarding the details in my possession
The same unauthorized cause.
3. According to the company’s inspections, so far, and to the best of its knowledge, for the time being, there is no danger to the customers’ money, to the details.
Bank accounts and / or passwords The login accounts and the trading system operate as a series.
4. The company reported the incident to the Securities Authority and is in regular contact with it.
APCCM Trading Ltd.
