The first reactions for ‘hawk and the winter soldier’ are inside

Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s debut is less than a week away, and we’re going to be back to having a new MCU show every Friday after a week off after the end of WandaVision. But it seems to have built at least some sort of small embargo for several entertainment sites, where writers share thoughts (not full reviews) about the first program.

It is likely that the “point” of the presentation will be announced very early here:

But it might be upsetting if you haven’t followed Bucky Barnes ’full events through at least a few of the past films:

It’s a more traditional Marvel blockbuster fare than WandaVision, which you might be able to convince by the carriers, and at least the first episode looks longer than we expected from WandaVision no The Mandalorian:

The move to TV will allow a lot more character development between those two characters, and the quiet, brutal moments in the introduction are named as some of the best.

Overall, it doesn’t seem to be as different than what was revealed in the draws, and this looks less… experimental than WandaVision, we’ll say. My guess is that this will be something like a six – hour Marvel movie with a lot more down time for character development, but maintaining a strong legacy based on the action of the series.

I think we will back to be a little experimental with Loki. I would expect Hawkeye to be more traditional. Then anyone’s idea is what shows like She-Hulk, Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel.

It seems like it’s going to be hard for Disney to go wrong here. I mean, what did they have, like a 90% hit rate with MCU movies? I wouldn’t expect their campaigns into TV to be so different, as long as they maintain the same quality standards, I think they will. WandaVision was a solid start and it looks like Falcon and the Winter Soldier are going to be pretty tough as well. And it’s hard to think of things like the Loki project or Hailee Steinfeld like Kate Bishop missing either.

We’ll find out where things stand on Friday (or very late Thursday) once Falcon and the Winter Soldier arrive for everyone. I’m not sure if the show will continue with a preview for critics, but I doubt it, and this may have been a “buzz-building” exercise at one point.

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