The first PS5 drift class action lawsuit filed against Sony

Law firm Chimicles Schwartz Kriner & Donaldson-Smith LLP filed a class action lawsuit against Sony over the move of the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller.

The lawsuit was filed Feb. 12 in U.S. District Court for New York’s South District, on behalf of planner Lmarc Turner and “like-minded consumers.”

The case, and a copy was sent to, argues that the DualSense controller is “defective” because it suffers from a drift fault, a problem that sees it record interference even when the player is not using it.

The issue “damages the core functionality of the DualSense Controller,” the document continued, adding that Sony has been aware of the issues through online consumer complaints. The lawsuit referred to the case of a player encountering drift issues as early as ten days after the purchase, citing directly on a Kotaku report that found the drift issues last week.

The lawsuit pointed out that the repair options at this stage were “narrow” and also accused Sony of failing to “disclose this substantive information to consumers” despite being aware of the deficiency.

“As a result of Sony’s unfair, misleading, and / or misleading business practices, owners of DualSense Controllers, including Plaintiff, have lost, found, injured and otherwise been damage by Sony ‘s conduct, “he continued.” Accordingly, Plaintiff takes this action to correct Sony’ s violations of state consumer fraud laws, warranty breaches, and unfair enrichment. Plaintiff seeks monetary relief for victim damage, probation relief, and public barred relief. “

The move of an administrator has become a prominent issue for all platform keepers, with several lawsuits against Nintendo across Europe, the US and Canada, while Microsoft called for it. U.S. district court judge to force planners in a lawsuit over defective Xbox regulators to go to a separate settlement. .
