Knitted News17.12.20 11:25 B. Tevet Tishpa

(Photo: PR Avraham Fried)
Ahead of the launch of the joint duet between singer and creator Aviv Geffen and great Hassidic singer Avraham Fried, the two talked in a video call between Tel Aviv and New York.
The poetry you recorded came to me, all with tears and chills. I did not believe in my imagination, when the song was written, that I would get to sing with you. I want to say thank you very much for the courage, it takes a lot of courage to connect your audience to my audience. The unity and connections were very important to me.
Avraham Fried replied: “Aviv I pray that we will be messengers to unite the people in particular these days, that everyone goes through what goes through, if there was a need for unity all these years, now probably much more. And I have a good feeling it will be successful in strengthening and uniting the people.”
The video call between Avraham Fried and Aviv Geffen
On Sunday, the joint performance ‘In the Drought’ by Avraham Fried and Aviv Geffen will be unveiled.

Geffen and Fried reveal (screenshot)
Fried also does not stop renewing himself and surprisingly, he recently released a remake of Hanan Ben Ari’s song “Broken of Heart” from the United States, following Hanan’s challenge.
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