The Economics Committee has decided not to approve the regulations in retrospect

Economics Committee, chaired by an MK Jacob Margie Today (Sunday) decided a hearing not to retroactively approve amendment number eight, which prohibited public transportation traffic to and from Jerusalem on Shushan Purim. The decision means the cancellation of 13V reports given by the police to bus drivers who drove passengers to celebrate the holiday in Jerusalem and stopped at the entrance to the city. The chairman of the committee, MK Yaakov Margi: “What happened in Shoshan Purim was not good and there were actions without authority and therefore we will not approve the regulations.”

At the beginning of the hearing, the chairman asked whether fines had been imposed. Police Officer George Qurikan, assistant to the Jerusalem District Attorney General, replied: “13 reports were given for organized transportation according to regulations. We did an inspection, there was a spot fault at the checkpoint, we dealt with it immediately and gave instructions to work according to the regulations, but there was one policeman who did not receive instructions properly. “He emphasized that” the police are acting objectively. We have had a difficult year and we are doing everything we can to the best of our ability. “

As mentioned, as part of the regulations imposed by the government on the state on Purim, the Ministerial Committee confirmed in a telephone poll on Friday that from Saturday evening until midnight on Sunday, public transportation to and from Jerusalem will be suspended and organized transportation will be banned. Meanwhile, many people were forced yesterday to get off the taxi to Jerusalem and walk to the city on foot.
