The CIA released thousands of documents on UFOs

Interested in studying aliens and UFOs? You can now read thousands of U.S. CIA documents collected since 1976 under the United States Freedom of Information Act.

One of the people who sought to discover the materials is the writer John Greenwald Jr., who runs the “Black Safe” website. Greenwald filed a very long line of requests for disclosure of documents based on the American Freedom of Information Act, as did many other investigators. In response, the agency collected 2,700 scanned documents, which were transferred via CD to any claimant for a fee. Ocean This information was uploaded by Greenwald to the site and is now available to anyone who requests and buys.

The documents include CIA studies in every area of ​​interest to the spy body, from explosions in the Soviet Union to unexplained phenomena that have been reported and investigated. Among other things, there is a 1976 report by the Assistant Vice President of Technology and Science of the Government on aircraft designated as UFOs.

“Although the CIA claims that they have published everything they have on the subject, it is difficult to verify this – and we will continue to check if there are any other materials that have not yet been revealed,” Greenwald wrote when the findings were published on the site.

The current disclosure of CIA documents is a kind of trailer for a comprehensive report that the Pentagon and US security authorities are expected to submit to Congress on UFOs and aliens over the next six months. This is because the provision of a special budget law of support following the Corona plague, which the security authorities submitted to the House of Representatives, was conditioned on these factors preparing once and for all a “report that will include all unexplained aviation phenomena investigated.” Videos taken by the U.S. Navy in 2005 and 2015, showing an unusual aircraft holidaying around a U.S. Army fleet.
