Thanks to the corona: the rich of the world have doubled their fortunes by billions

The closure measures taken around the world in recent months, in response to the outbreak of the corona plague, have provided a fatal economic blow to many businesses. However, new data shows that ten of the richest people in the world can actually smile this year, after their fortune increased by more than $ 400 billion due to the flourishing of their businesses. Among the rich, whose fortune has doubled by 2.6 percent, is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.

Amazon Company (Photo: Reuters)Amazon Company (Photo: Reuters)

According to a report in the British “Gurdian” newspaper, Bezos, the richest in the world, recorded a jump of $ 70 billion, reaching a fortune of $ 185 billion. This is because of the extensive use of time closures in Amazon services in the areas of shipping and entertainment streaming. The most impressive jump this year was made by entrepreneur Alon Musk, who this year came in second place on the world richest list with a fortune of $ 153 billion compared to $ 25 billion last March, thanks to sales of Tesla electric cars. As of today (Monday), Tesla has officially joined the S&P index on the New York Stock Exchange and in recent weeks there has been an increase in demand for the company’s shares.

Even the richest man in Europe, the Frenchman Bernard Arno, padded his pockets as the continent faced a severe outbreak of the virus. With the outbreak of the plague, the capital of Arno, the CEO of LVMH Corporation, which owns the brands of Louis Vuitton, Sfora and Christian Dior, from $ 69 billion – to $ 148 billion today, making us the third richest person in the world. Microsoft founder Bill Gates has added $ 20 billion to his fortune, though he has donated billions of dollars from his philanthropic foundation to benefit from vaccine development and public health projects in the face of the epidemic.

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Other rich people are Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, businessman and investor Warren Buffett, Oracle founder Larry Allison, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Spanish businessman Emancio Ortega, owner of the Zara chain. Anna Arender, director of the campaign to combat inequality on behalf of the aid organization Oxfam, said the data show the problematic nature of the current economic system. “Allowing the wealth of a few to explode, while hundreds of millions are suffering – is nothing but negligence in office,” she accused.

Another report released in the United States by the American Association for Taxation Fairness estimated that 651 billionaires made a profit of $ 1.1 trillion during the epidemic. “Their capital increased so much that they could provide a $ 3,000 incentive grant for every man, woman and child. In the country and still be richer than they were nine months ago, “said the organization’s executive director Frank Clemente
